###Sketch trial non stop
Open hosts files:
$ open /private/etc/hosts
Edit the file adding: backend.bohemiancoding.com bohemiancoding.sketch.analytics.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Open .licence file
In English:
/Users/YOUR-USER-HERE/Library/Application\ Support/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/.license
In Spanish:
/Users/YOUR-USER-HERE/Libraría/Application\ Support/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/.license
##NOTE: .licence is a hidden file
Show all hidden files with:
$ defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
And edit three values: sign to ==, type to licence, and expiration to 999999999
Okay so follow these steps and I promise it's gonna work (I have literally taken 3 hours to make this work):
1. Turn off wifi
2. Open your hosts file and add those exact lines: backend.bohemiancoding.com bohemiancoding.sketch.analytics.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
::1 backend.bohemiancoding.com
::1 bohemiancoding.sketch.analytics.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
We have to use both ipv4 and ipv6 to make it work
3. Go to your license file and copy past this (and replace the old file with this one):
{"meta":{"sign":"jacFQqdBByhC0Esd1yo5jDuQYiBSTqYgtYEHxENOa7GnyhOBri6dYYsSqMiSm7HUDQfSmbcMat7Ju1VJxm50VY2r0+EjWdpjt3qp+eU/uNecmFYPfD8tzZom88MWMybi2wN7lP/1BOuzqueEw/5I0RkEWFchoZyvuRxVq/4f8XWn8rMaw1QVeFpCZ5ge1w9X6XyGwEIEscLBJs5nOv9jQE0NU9SZHlJUZb3wELs454SsQyDisFI/TKFIm0PpZ58aaVVoN4+iZht2Gq4EL/AVL0rzb0sr7+AQZu7itOZFVJFssbtSsurmqLk+320+KVvyfS9vThKhpcpjkj0bPiU4tA==","reg_version":"55.1","current_version":"55.1","purchase":"1562196970","generated_at":"Wed, 24 Jul 2019 21:42:42 +0000"},"payload":{"status":"ok","allowedVariants":"NONAPPSTORE;BETA","udid":"","update_expiration":1577836800,"email":"TNT edition","application":"sketch3","type":"static","expiration":1577836800}}
**4. Right click on the new license file and select get info and tick locked **
5. You can now open Sketch once without the Wifi on, quit, and go back to it a second time with the Wifi on
Does it work for everyone ?