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ismarou /
Created August 20, 2019 00:02 — forked from dboyliao/
A python implementation of Umeyama Absolute Orientation Algorithm
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## References
- [Umeyama's paper](
- [CarloNicolini's python implementation](
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
ismarou /
Created September 16, 2019 12:11 — forked from ferrine/
multidimensional svd pytorch
import itertools
import torch
def svd(x):
batches = x.shape[:-2]
if batches:
n, m = x.shape[-2:]
k = min(n, m)
ismarou /
Created October 20, 2019 16:45 — forked from kaniblu/
PyTorch LSTM and GRU Orthogonal Initialization and Positive Bias
def init_gru(cell, gain=1):
# orthogonal initialization of recurrent weights
for _, hh, _, _ in cell.all_weights:
for i in range(0, hh.size(0), cell.hidden_size):
I.orthogonal(hh[i:i + cell.hidden_size], gain=gain)
def init_lstm(cell, gain=1):
ismarou /
Created October 20, 2019 16:52 — forked from jeasinema/
A simple script for parameter initialization for PyTorch
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.init as init
def weight_init(m):
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
ismarou /
Created May 23, 2020 20:38 — forked from peteflorence/
Bilinear interpolation in PyTorch, and benchmarking vs. numpy

Here's a simple implementation of bilinear interpolation on tensors using PyTorch.

I wrote this up since I ended up learning a lot about options for interpolation in both the numpy and PyTorch ecosystems. More generally than just interpolation, too, it's also a nice case study in how PyTorch magically can put very numpy-like code on the GPU (and by the way, do autodiff for you too).

For interpolation in PyTorch, this open issue calls for more interpolation features. There is now a nn.functional.grid_sample() feature but at least at first this didn't look like what I needed (but we'll come back to this later).

In particular I wanted to take an image, W x H x C, and sample it many times at different random locations. Note also that this is different than upsampling which exhaustively samples and also doesn't give us fle

ismarou /
Created July 11, 2022 13:19 — forked from dmklee/
Interactive Method for Placing Camera in Pybullet Simulation
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pybullet as pb
import pybullet_data
def read_parameters(dbg_params):
'''Reads values from debug parameters