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Created January 23, 2022 21:47
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blog post: review of clowns and jokers
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Clowns where
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Void
import Data.Kind
import GHC.Generics
data Expr = Val Int | Add Expr Expr
eval :: Expr -> Int
eval (Val n) = n
eval (Add ex ex') = eval ex + eval ex'
eval' :: Expr -> Int
eval' e = load e []
load :: Expr -> [Either Expr Int] -> Int
load (Val n) s = unload n s
load (Add ex ex') s = load ex $ Left ex' : s
unload :: Int -> [Either Expr Int] -> Int
unload v [] = v
unload v (Left e : s) = load e $ Right v : s
unload v2 (Right v1 : s) = unload (v1 + v2) s
data ExprF a = ValF Int | AddF a a
deriving stock (Functor, Generic, Generic1, Show)
deriving Dissectable via (Generically ExprF)
data Pair a = Pair a a
deriving (Functor, Show, Generic1)
deriving Dissectable via (Generically Pair)
deriving via Generically (Either a) instance Dissectable (Either a)
data ExprF' a = ExprF (Either Int (Pair a))
deriving stock (Functor, Generic, Generic1, Show)
deriving Dissectable via (Generically ExprF')
pattern ValF' :: Int -> ExprF' a
pattern ValF' a = ExprF (Left a)
pattern AddF' :: a -> a -> ExprF' a
pattern AddF' a b = ExprF (Right (Pair a b))
data K2 a x y = K2 a
deriving Functor
instance Bifunctor (K2 a) where
bimap _ _ (K2 a) = K2 a
type Zero1 = Const Void
type Zero2 = K2 Void
data Clown p a b = Clown { unClown :: p a }
deriving Functor
instance Functor p => Bifunctor (Clown p) where
bimap fab _ (Clown pa) = Clown (fmap fab pa)
data Joker p a b = Joker { unJoker :: p b }
deriving Functor
instance Functor p => Bifunctor (Joker p) where
bimap _ fcd (Joker pc) = Joker (fmap fcd pc)
type Fst = Clown Identity
type Snd = Joker Identity
class (Functor p, Bifunctor (Dissected p)) => Dissectable p where
type Dissected p :: Type -> Type -> Type
start :: p j -> Suspension p (Dissected p) c j
proceed :: c -> Dissected p c j -> Suspension p (Dissected p) c j
plug :: x -> Dissected p x x -> p x
newtype Generically p a = Generically { unGenerically :: p a }
deriving Functor
instance ( Generic1 p
, Functor p
, Bifunctor (GDissected (Rep1 p))
, GDissectable (Rep1 p)
=> Dissectable (Generically p) where
type Dissected (Generically p) = GDissected (Rep1 p)
start (Generically pj) = bihoist (Generically . to1) id $ gstart $ from1 pj
proceed x = bihoist (Generically . to1) id . gproceed x
plug x = Generically . to1 . gplug x
data Suspension p k c j
= More j (k c j)
| Done (p c)
deriving Functor
instance Applicative (k c) => Applicative (Suspension p k c) where
pure a = More a $ pure a
More fab fk <*> More a kca =
More (fab a) (fk <*> kca)
Done pc <*> _ = Done pc
_ <*> Done pc = Done pc
:: (forall x. p x -> p' x)
-> (forall a b. k a b -> k' a b)
-> Suspension p k c j
-> Suspension p' k' c j
bihoist _ g (More j kcj) = More j (g kcj)
bihoist f _ (Done pc) = Done (f pc)
instance (Functor p, Bifunctor k) => Bifunctor (Suspension p k) where
bimap fab fcd (More c kac)
= More (fcd c) (first fab (second fcd kac))
bimap fab _ (Done pa) = Done (fmap fab pa)
class GDissectable p where
type GDissected p :: Type -> Type -> Type
gstart :: p j -> Suspension p (GDissected p) c j
gproceed :: c -> GDissected p c j -> Suspension p (GDissected p) c j
gplug :: x -> GDissected p x x -> p x
instance GDissectable U1 where
type GDissected U1 = K2 Void
gstart _ = Done U1
gproceed _ (K2 v) = absurd v
gplug _ (K2 vo) = absurd vo
instance GDissectable (K1 _1 a) where
type GDissected (K1 _1 a) = K2 Void
gstart (K1 a) = Done (K1 a)
gproceed _ (K2 v) = absurd v
gplug _ (K2 vo) = absurd vo
instance GDissectable Par1 where
type GDissected Par1 = K2 ()
gstart (Par1 j) = More j (K2 ())
gproceed c _ = Done (Par1 c)
gplug x _ = Par1 x
instance (Generic1 f, Dissectable f) => GDissectable (Rec1 f) where
type GDissected (Rec1 f) = Dissected f
gstart (Rec1 f) = bihoist Rec1 id $ start f
gproceed c f = bihoist Rec1 id $ proceed c f
gplug x gd = Rec1 $ plug x gd
instance GDissectable f => GDissectable (M1 _1 _2 f) where
type GDissected (M1 _1 _2 f) = GDissected f
gstart (M1 fj) = bihoist M1 id $ gstart fj
gproceed fc = bihoist M1 id . gproceed fc
gplug x dis = M1 $ gplug x dis
instance (GDissectable f, GDissectable g) => GDissectable (f :+: g) where
type GDissected (f :+: g) = Sum2 (GDissected f) (GDissected g)
gstart (L1 fj) = bihoist L1 L2 $ gstart fj
gstart (R1 gj) = bihoist R1 R2 $ gstart gj
gproceed c (L2 dis) = bihoist L1 L2 $ gproceed c dis
gproceed c (R2 dis) = bihoist R1 R2 $ gproceed c dis
gplug x (L2 dis) = L1 (gplug x dis)
gplug x (R2 dis) = R1 (gplug x dis)
instance (GDissectable f, GDissectable g) => GDissectable (f :*: g) where
type GDissected (f :*: g) =
Sum2 (Product2 (GDissected f) (Joker g))
(Product2 (Clown f) (GDissected g))
gstart (pj :*: qj) = mindp (gstart @f pj) qj
gproceed c (L2 (Product2 pd (Joker qj))) = mindp (gproceed @f c pd) qj
gproceed c (R2 (Product2 (Clown pc) qd)) = mindq pc (gproceed @g c qd)
gplug x (L2 (Product2 f (Joker g))) = gplug x f :*: g
gplug x (R2 (Product2 (Clown f) g)) = f :*: gplug x g
:: GDissectable g
=> Suspension f (GDissected f) c j
-> g j
-> Suspension (f :*: g)
(Sum2 (Product2 (GDissected f) (Joker g))
(Product2 (Clown f) (GDissected g)))
c j
mindp (More j pd) qj = More j $ L2 $ Product2 pd $ Joker qj
mindp (Done pc) qj = mindq pc (gstart qj)
:: f c
-> Suspension g (GDissected g) c j
-> Suspension (f :*: g)
(Sum2 (Product2 (GDissected f) (Joker g))
(Product2 (Clown f) (GDissected g)))
c j
mindq pc (More j qd) = More j $ R2 $ Product2 (Clown pc) qd
mindq pc (Done qc) = Done (pc :*: qc)
newtype Compose2 f g a b = Compose2 (f (g a) (g b))
instance (Bifunctor f, Functor g) => Functor (Compose2 f g a) where
fmap fab (Compose2 f) = Compose2 $ bimap id (fmap fab) f
instance (Bifunctor f, Functor g) => Bifunctor (Compose2 f g) where
bimap fab fcd (Compose2 f) = Compose2 $ bimap (fmap fab) (fmap fcd) f
instance (Generic1 f, Functor f, Bifunctor (Dissected f), Dissectable f, GDissectable g) => GDissectable (f :.: g) where
type GDissected (f :.: g) =
(Compose2 (Dissected f) g)
(GDissected g)
gstart (Comp1 fg) =
case start @f $ fg of
More gj gd -> pump gj gd
Done f -> Done $ Comp1 f
:: g j
-> Dissected f (g c) (g j)
-> Suspension
(f :.: g)
(Product2 (Compose2 (Dissected f) g) (GDissected g))
c j
pump gj gd =
case gstart gj of
More j gd' ->
More j (Product2 (Compose2 gd) gd')
Done g ->
case proceed @f g gd of
More gj gd -> pump gj gd
Done fg -> Done $ Comp1 fg
gproceed c (Product2 cfg@(Compose2 fg) gd) =
case gproceed @g c gd of
More j gd -> More j $ Product2 cfg gd
Done gc -> finish gc
-- finish
-- :: g c
-- -> Suspension
-- (f :.: g)
-- (Product2 (Compose2 (Dissected f) g) (GDissected g))
-- c j
finish gc =
case proceed @f gc fg of
More gj gd ->
case gstart gj of
More j gd' -> More j $ Product2 (Compose2 gd) gd'
Done gc -> finish gc
Done f -> Done $ Comp1 f
gplug x (Product2 (Compose2 fg) gd) =
Comp1 $ plug @f (gplug @g x gd) fg
data Sum2 f g a b = L2 (f a b) | R2 (g a b)
deriving Functor
instance (Bifunctor f, Bifunctor g) => Bifunctor (Sum2 f g) where
bimap fab fcd (L2 fac) = L2 (first fab (second fcd fac))
bimap fab fcd (R2 gac) = R2 (second fcd (first fab gac))
data Product2 f g a b = Product2 (f a b) (g a b)
deriving Functor
instance (Bifunctor f, Bifunctor g) => Bifunctor (Product2 f g) where
bimap fab fcd (Product2 fac gac)
= Product2
(first fab (second fcd fac)) (second fcd (first fab gac))
divide :: Dissectable p => p x -> Either (x, Dissected p Void x) (p Void)
divide px = case start px of
More x dis -> Left (x, dis)
Done p -> Right p
newtype Fix f = Fix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }
cata :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
cata f (Fix f') = f $ fmap (cata f) f'
tmap :: forall p a b. Dissectable p => (a -> b) -> p a -> p b
tmap fab = pump . start
pump :: Suspension p (Dissected p) b a -> p b
pump (More a dis) = pump $ proceed (fab a) dis
pump (Done j) = j
tcata :: forall p v. Dissectable p => (p v -> v) -> Fix p -> v
tcata f t = load' t []
:: Fix p
-> [Dissected p v (Fix p)]
-> v
load' (Fix t) stk = next (start t) stk
:: Suspension p (Dissected p) v (Fix p)
-> [Dissected p v (Fix p)]
-> v
next (More p dis) stk = load' p (dis : stk)
next (Done p) stk = unload' (f p) stk
:: v
-> [Dissected p v (Fix p)]
-> v
unload' v [] = v
unload' v (pd : stk) = next (proceed v pd) stk
tsequence :: forall p f a. (Dissectable p, Monad f) => p (f a) -> f (p a)
tsequence = pump . start
pump :: Suspension p (Dissected p) a (f a) -> f (p a)
pump (More fa dis) = do
a <- fa
pump $ proceed a dis
pump (Done pa) = pure pa
-- blah :: Fix ExprF
-- blah = Fix $ AddF (Fix $ ValF 5) $ Fix $ AddF (Fix (ValF 1)) $ Fix $ ValF 3
blah :: Fix ExprF
blah = Fix $ AddF (Fix $ ValF 5) $ Fix $ AddF (Fix (ValF 1)) $ Fix $ ValF 3
blah1 :: ExprF [Int]
blah1 = AddF [1,2,3] [4,5]
main = tcata (\ ef
-> case ef of
(ValF n) -> n
(AddF v v') -> v + v') blah
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