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Created September 15, 2016 05:11
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Simple C++ big integer class
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
#define GROUP_DEC_SIZE 4
class BigInt {
vector<int> groups;
void incDigit(int, int);
BigInt() : groups({ 0 }) {};
BigInt(int n) : groups({ 0 }) { incDigit(0, n); };
~BigInt() {};
BigInt & operator*(int x);
BigInt & operator+(const BigInt & rhs) const;
BigInt & operator*(const BigInt & rhs) const;
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &, const BigInt &);
void BigInt::incDigit(int idx, int n) {
if (groups.size() <= idx) groups.resize(idx + 1);
int dec_mod = pow(10, GROUP_DEC_SIZE);
groups[idx] += n;
int mod_g = groups[idx] % dec_mod;
int extra = groups[idx] / dec_mod;
groups[idx] = mod_g;
if (extra > 0) {
incDigit(idx + 1, extra);
BigInt & BigInt::operator*(int x) {
int extra = 0;
int dec_mod = pow(10, GROUP_DEC_SIZE);
for (auto & g : groups) {
g = g * x + extra;
int mod_g = g % dec_mod;
extra = g / dec_mod;
g = mod_g;
while (extra > 0) {
groups.push_back(extra % dec_mod);
extra /= dec_mod;
return *this;
BigInt & BigInt::operator*(const BigInt & rhs) const {
BigInt * mul = new BigInt();
int size_lhs = groups.size();
int size_rhs = rhs.groups.size();
for (int i_lhs = 0; i_lhs < size_lhs; i_lhs++) {
for (int i_rhs = 0; i_rhs < size_rhs; i_rhs++) {
mul->incDigit(i_lhs + i_rhs, groups[i_lhs] * rhs.groups[i_rhs]);
return *mul;
BigInt & BigInt::operator+(const BigInt & rhs) const {
BigInt & sum = const_cast<BigInt &>(*this);
int size_rhs = rhs.groups.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size_rhs; i++) {
sum.incDigit(i, rhs.groups[i]);
return sum;
ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const BigInt & bi) {
for (auto pg = bi.groups.rbegin(); pg != bi.groups.rend(); pg++) {
if (pg == bi.groups.rbegin()) {
os << *pg;
} else {
os << std::setw(GROUP_DEC_SIZE) << *pg;
return os;
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