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Created March 27, 2012 19:31
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Simple JAX-WS UsernameToken security generation with Clojure (SOAP, AXIS, WSDL)
(defn create-security-header
"Given an optional environment (:stage, :prod), creates the authentication."
(let [soap-factory (SOAPFactory/newInstance)
security (.. soap-factory (createElement (QName. security-namespace "Security")))
user-token (.. soap-factory (createElement (QName. security-namespace "UsernameToken")))
username (.. soap-factory (createElement (QName. security-namespace "Username")))
password (.. soap-factory (createElement (QName. security-namespace "Password")))]
(.. username (addTextNode (get credentials :username)))
(.. password (addTextNode (get credentials :password)))
(.. user-token (addChildElement username))
(.. user-token (addChildElement password))
(.. security (addChildElement user-token))
(Headers/create security)))
then you need to call "setOutboundHeaders" on the soap service object with the returned headers. That generates this:
<Security xmlns="">
<UsernameToken xmlns="">
<Username xmlns="">...
<Password xmlns="">...
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