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Last active December 13, 2015 20:08
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;; Update our 'browsers' function to print when it's run.
user> (defgraphfn browsers [raw-visitors]
(println "Running browsers on" (count raw-visitors) "visitors")
(map (fn [_] (rand-nth [:chrome :firefox :ie-9]) )
;; and run our computation graph lazily.
user> (defn all-visitors []
{:lazy? true}
{:raw-visitors [{:id 1} {:id 2} {:id 3}]}
compile-all browsers spends))
;; Execute the lazy graph computation, we don't expect any print.
user> (def result (all-visitors))
;; Now dereference one of the output values, and only the necessary dependencies are executed.
user> (:browsers result)
Running browsers on 3 visitors
[:chrome :firefox :firefox]
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