Treasure cloud is a new cloud storage in Singapore that offer up to 800GB for free account using referal method. When you created a new account from signup page, you will have 10GB free, after that you can send your referal link to everyone and when each person register with that link, they will receive a free account with 20GB instantly and you will receive 10GB extra for referal program.
That means if you create a new account using my referal link then you will get a free account with 20GB instead of 10GB as usual at the register page.
After registration and get 20GB free, you can click on this marketing bonus code link to get more extra 40GB, you then will have 60GB of free storage in total in just 30 secs
It's easily, right? just with 2 steps
- Register using referal link:
- Activate extra bonus 40GB with this link:
Be hurry as I don't know when the promotion marketing program will be eneded!