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ciis0 /
Last active September 19, 2024 07:25
setup fou (foo-over-udp) ipip tunnel on ubuntu

Some networks, e.g. Azure VNets, are quite restrictive about the supported procotols. Azure for example only supports TCP and UDP. Fortunately there is the Foo-Over-UDP ("FOU"), tunneling over UDP and thus bypassing the Azure limitation.

  1. You need a Linux distribution that supports FOU, for example Ubuntu.
    RHEL for example does not support FOU (so Fedora and CentOS probably neither).
  2. the fou module must be configured to be loaded automatically. (modprobe fou, /etc/modules.conf)
  3. choose your "foo": e.g. IPIP.
    Check your OS docs what other protocols are supported, for example via man systemd.netdev.
  4. sending and receving FOU is separated, you will need to create on device for each:
    1. create one device for sending/encapsulation (fou-tx, fou-tx.netdev)
    2. create one device for receiving/decapsulation (fou-rx, fou-rx.netdev)
  5. attach networ