@everyone :exclamation: Programmer's Safety Announce ❗ Hey folks, quick announcement on account safety. We're seeing an increased number of accounts get hacked through phishing scams that are posted in channels or sent via direct messages. The common scams at the moment are related to Steam and Discord. When you are visiting links, be very wary of shortened/hidden urls (use a site like https://wheregoes.com/ to check where shortened urls go).
When looking at messages/domains remember the following:
- Take your time. Don't rush into things. If you're excited or tired, pause for a minute and re-read the message.
- Always double check the domain name of a link.
- If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
- You can add some protection to your account with 2fa, but if you input your 2fa into a scam site your account will be taken from you.
- Be aware of fake i-frames/pop ups!
Discord scams
The common discord scams that we see are messages saying that Discord want to contact you regarding the Discord Moderator Badge and HypeSquad events. If discord ever want to contact you, the DM will look like this. Take note of the "System" box, and the fact you cannot reply to the DM. https://i.imgur.com/ZvlayP6.png FYI regarding the Discord Moderator Badge: 1, the exam doesn't give you the badge, it only gets you into the mod server. 2, discord will use the same system DM system as shown above if you are accepted and you will be automatically added to the mod server. Discord's common domains are as follows (if you do not see this domain, do not click it)
Valid discord domains:
- discord.com
- discord.gg
- discord.media
- discordapp.com
- discordapp.net
- discordstatus.com
- discord.gift
- dis.gd (this is their official url shortner)
Steam scams
The common steam scams we see are people claiming to be giving away all of their items, or a scam where the individual pretends to have reported your account. (Steam would never ever ever ever ever contact you through Discord)
Steam's common domains are as follows (if you do not see this domain, do not click it)
Valid steam domains:
- steampowered.com
- steamcommunity.com
- steamgames.com
- steamusercontent.com
This is not an exhaustive list of scams or valid domains. If you are ever in doubt it is best to get confirmation through a verifiable source first. If you need to report something suspicious you can use Discord's Trust and Safety report form. https://dis.gd/request
Stay safe, and don't ping ree. :meowguns: