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Created August 3, 2016 23:02
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  • Save itsMapleLeaf/ff6c26327c1d3d3ea6afa63898ebfbd5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save itsMapleLeaf/ff6c26327c1d3d3ea6afa63898ebfbd5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<template lang="jade">
.result.col-4 0
.button-operator.col-1 +
.button-operator.col-1 -
.button-operator.col-1 *
.button-operator.col-1 /
.button-numeric.col-1 7
.button-numeric.col-1 8
.button-numeric.col-1 9
.button-special.col-1.rowspan-2 C
.button-numeric.col-1 4
.button-numeric.col-1 5
.button-numeric.col-1 6
.button-numeric.col-1 1
.button-numeric.col-1 2
.button-numeric.col-1 3
.button-special.col-1.rowspan-2 &equals;
.button-special.col-1 &plusmn;
.button-numeric.col-1 0
.button-special.col-1 &period;
export default {}
<style lang="stylus">
// gridstuff
$grid-cell-width = 2.5em
$grid-cell-height = 2.7em
$grid-spacing = 2px
.row {
display: flex
height: $grid-cell-height
&:not(:last-child) {
margin-bottom: $grid-spacing
for $span in 1..4 {
.col-{$span} {
$width = $span * $grid-cell-width
$spacing-extra = ($span - 1) * $grid-spacing
width: 'calc(%s + %s)' % ($width $spacing-extra)
&:not(:last-child) {
margin-right: $grid-spacing
for $span in 1..4 {
.rowspan-{$span} {
$height = $span * $grid-cell-height
$spacing-extra = ($span - 1) * $grid-spacing
height: 'calc(%s + %s)' % ($height $spacing-extra)
// flexstuff
.flex-center {
display: flex
// reset to make everything size in a non-stupid way
* { box-sizing: border-box }
// font styles
:root {
font: 32px Roboto, sans-serif
font-weight: lighter
color: #777
// app component styles
.container {
position: absolute
left: 0; right: 0
top: 0; bottom: 0
display: flex
justify-content: center
align-items: center
.calculator {
box-shadow: 0px 2px 6px gray
.result {
display: flex
justify-content: flex-end
align-items: center
padding: 0 1rem
background-color: rgb(170,122,240)
color: white
.button {
display: flex
justify-content: center
align-items: center
color: white
cursor: pointer
transition: 0.3s
&:hover {
opacity: 0.7
.button-numeric {
@extend .button
background-color: rgb(52,173,232)
.button-operator {
@extend .button
background-color: rgb(0,212,135)
.button-special {
@extend .button
background-color: rgb(254,148,96)
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