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Last active March 4, 2020 06:58
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Scout Absinthe (GraphQL) Instrumentation
defmodule ScoutApm.Absinthe.Plug do
alias ScoutApm.Internal.Layer
def init(default), do: default
def call(conn, _default) do
ScoutApm.TrackedRequest.start_layer("Controller", action_name(conn))
|> Plug.Conn.register_before_send(&before_send/1)
def before_send(conn) do
full_name = action_name(conn)
uri = "#{conn.request_path}"
ScoutApm.TrackedRequest.stop_layer(fn layer ->
|> Layer.update_name(full_name)
|> Layer.update_uri(uri)
# Takes a connection, extracts the phoenix controller & action, then manipulates & cleans it up.
# Returns a string like "PageController#index"
defp action_name(conn) do
action_name = conn.params["operationName"]
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In case anyone is interested, the plug shown is dependent on the operationName being set for the GraphQL queries. For the project I'm working on, we don't name the queries/mutations we send to Absinthe, but limit each query/mutation to a single field per request. In this case, using the code above results in all GraphQL requests being labelled "GraphQL" in Scout. I needed a way to extract the first field so that queries/mutations like the one below show up as "GraphQL#firstField" in Scout.

query {
  firstField(id: 1) {

Here's what I arrived at:

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Also, add this Plug to the Router pipeline as follows:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
  use MyAppWeb, :router

  pipeline :api do
    plug :accepts, ["json"]
    plug MyAppWeb.Context
    # add here
    plug ScoutApm.Absinthe.Plug

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What would a plug free solution look like? Is there a way to do this using a Absinthe plugin?
We are using websockets for communication, hence the plug pipeline is not hit.

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