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Last active November 16, 2020 07:19
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Doubts in Coq

Dear Sir,
I was revising the exercises in propositional logic and I was having some doubts.

  1. Working of destruct and case tactic on a Lemma.

    I understand destruct tactic works on hypothesis with /\, \/, and <-> operators in it.
    I have included a small code snippet that shows the basic usage of destruct in simple cases.

    Please click here to expand the code
    Section Propositonal_Logic.
    Variables P Q R: Prop.
    Section DestructAnd.
    Hypothesis H: P /\ Q.
    Lemma L1: P.
      destruct H as [PisTrue QisTrue].
      exact PisTrue.
    End DestructAnd.
    Section DestructOr.
    Hypothesis H: P \/ P.
    Lemma L2: P.
      destruct H. (* Introduce two subgoals for each case in H *)
      (* Gives error: Expects a disjunctive pattern with 2 branches. *)
      (* destruct H as [H1 H2]. *)
      exact H0.
      exact H0.
    End DestructOr.
    Section DestructEquiv.
    Hypothesis H: P <-> Q.
    Lemma L3: P -> Q.
      (* Similar to destruct on /\ operation *)
      destruct H as [PimpliesQ QimpliesP].
      exact PimpliesQ.
    End DestructEquiv.

    But on \/ operator, destruct H as .. doesn't seem to work, only destruct H seems to work.
    It gives an error: Expects a disjunctive pattern with 2 branches.
    However this only a minor problem of naming the new hypothesis, and I understand how it works.

    But I can't relate how destruct work there with how destruct Lemma works.
    Could you give a bit more insight on what is happening when we do destruct Lemma?
    Also could you explain a bit about how it is different from case Lemma?

    Example code for destruct Lemma
    Section Propositonal_Logic.
    Variables P Q R: Prop.
    Section Lemma.
    Hypothesis PisTrue: P.
    Lemma PorQ: P \/ Q.
    exact PisTrue.
    End Lemma.
    Lemma L: P -> (P \/ Q).
    (* Before:
    1 subgoal
    P, Q, R : Prop
    P -> P \/ Q
    destruct PorQ.
    (* After:
    3 subgoals
    P, Q, R : Prop
    P -> P \/ Q
    P -> P \/ Q
    End Propositional_Logic.
  2. Working of proof by absurdity method.
    From what I understand, in proof by absurdity method, we:

    • Assume the opposite of what we want to prove using a Variable conventionally named assume.
      (Is this in effect same as Hypothesis in Coq? Are we using Variable instead of Hypothesis for convention only?)
    • Prove a Lemma absurd: False using the above assumption.
    • Using the above Lemma, we prove what we originally wanted to prove.

    In the final step, I tried replacing the goal with propositions which are not true, but still I was able to complete the proof.
    Should this be possible?

    Example code
     Section Propositional_Logic.
     Variables P Q: Prop.
     Variable assume: ~(~P \/ P).
     Lemma demorgan: ~~P /\ ~P.
     unfold not.
     unfold not in assume.
     apply assume.
     exact H.
     apply assume.
     exact H.
     Lemma absurd: False.
     destruct demorgan.
     contradict H.
     exact H0.
     Theorem T1: Q.
     case absurd.
     End Propositional_Logic.
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