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Created August 23, 2024 07:06
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Firefox/Floorp things
* Floorp advantages over Chrome
** Padding isn't crazy in the bookmarks and menus
** Tree Style Tab
** Ctrl-Tab in MRU order
** Doesn't plan to remove Manifest V2 and break uBlock Origin
** Can use address bar and bookmarks while in fullscreen
** If tab is open, pressing Enter on suggestion switches to tab; don't need to Tab over to the 'switch to tab' suggestion as in Chrome
** Zooming on an image (loaded in its own tab) doesn't change the zoom level for the domain
** Supports JPEG XL
** Can alt-double and triple click inside links to select text and not download the link target
** ctrl-L Enter does not sometimes cause it to send the URL to the default search engine
** Can disable system-ui font
** DevTools Network tab is much better
** (?) Syncs history even when using sync passphrase
** about:logins doesn't have Chrome's 'type in your Windows password' security theater that users—who don't know about locking their workstation—whinged into being using the issue tracker
** this is so good (in Chrome substituting a font required some JavaScript to execute e.g. uBO)
* Floorp regressions over Chrome
** Speedometer 3.0 score is lower
** Can't load unpacked extensions
** Flickers or even fails to update the screen sometimes when paging up/down
** Can't revoke 'access to all sites' permission on an extension and then give it access to only certain domains or after clicking
I tried to do this with 10ten Japanese Reader
** Can't open MHTML files
* Floorp advantages over Firefox
** Telemetry is disabled
** Supports JPEG XL (outside Nightly)
** Very good theme customizations without using userChrome.css
** Useful button and configurable keyboard shortcut for toggling the sidebar position between the left and right
** about:dino
* Floorp configuration
** about:config
# Don't decode punycode in domains; i.e. show instead of аррӏе.com (not the real
network.IDN_show_punycode true
# Increase disk cache from 256MB to 2000MB
browser.cache.disk.capacity 2000000
# Wrap long lines in 'View source'
view_source.wrap_long_lines true
# Don't wrap long lines when viewing text/plain; it's not how these files were intended to render
plain_text.wrap_long_lines false
# Don't prefetch things (something else set these for me, maybe uBO?)
network.prefetch-next false
network.predictor.enabled false
network.http.speculative-parallel-limit 0
network.dns.disablePrefetch true
# Increase zoom level granularity
toolkit.zoomManager.zoomValues .3,.5,.67,.75,.85,.9,1,1.1,1.2,1.33,1.5,1.7,2,2.4,3,4,5
# When going fullscreen, don't animate address bar and bookmarks bar sliding up. Presumably disables other animations.
# Disable searching default search engine through address bar; require bookmark keywords for searches
keyword.enabled false
# Disable search suggestions; we don't want to leak our keystrokes until we search false
# We want a proper native titlebar, so no tabs
browser.tabs.inTitlebar 0
# Don't warn on close
browser.tabs.warnOnClose false
# Disable new tab page
browser.newtabpage.enabled false
# Ctrl-Tab in MRU order
browser.ctrlTab.sortByRecentlyUsed true
# Don't apply spring (?) physics to smooth scrolling, just get to where scrolled quickly
general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.enabled false
# Match Chrome's scroll amount per mousewheel tick
mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_x 140
mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_y 140
mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_z 140
# Disable Floorp's right sidebar
floorp.browser.sidebar.enable false false
# Don't show notification when going fullscreen
floorp.disable.fullscreen.notification true
# Allow extensions in private browsing by default true
# False means it _does_ show the extension button in the toolbar. What?
floorp.hide.unifiedExtensionsButtton false
# Let tabs get unloaded after they haven't been viewed for over a day
floorp.tabsleep.enabled true
floorp.tabsleep.tabTimeoutMinutes 1920
# Set default fonts
font.default.x-western sans-serif PragmataPro Mono Inter Display Inter Display
font.size.monospace.x-western 14
# Don't allow font-family: system-ui to use Segoe UI (it's not a good font)
layout.css.system-ui.enabled false
# Don't play DRM-protected content
media.eme.enabled false
# Don't bother us about sites trying to see if our browser can play DRM-protected content
browser.eme.ui.enabled false
# Disable fade animation when using the web API to go fullscreen
full-screen-api.transition-duration.enter 0 0
full-screen-api.transition-duration.leave 0 0
full-screen-api.transition.timeout 0
# Make the UI good
userChrome.autohide.sidebar false false false
userChrome.centered.urlbar false
userChrome.hidden.navbar false
userChrome.hidden.sidebar_header false
userChrome.hidden.tabbar true
userChrome.sidebar.overlap false
userChrome.tabbar.as_titlebar false
userChrome.tabbar.one_liner false
userChrome.urlView.move_icon_to_left false
# Clear cookies and offline apps on shutdown, don't clear other things
privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown true
privacy.clearOnShutdown.downloads false
privacy.clearOnShutdown.formdata false
privacy.clearOnShutdown.history false
privacy.clearOnShutdown.offlineApps true
privacy.clearOnShutdown.sessions false
** userChrome.css
* Old Firefox configuration on Linux
# Disable about:config warning
general.warnOnAboutConfig -> false
# Start up with tabs from last session -> 3
# Use blank new tab page
browser.newtabpage.enabled -> false
# Denser UI
browser.uidensity -> 1
# Make Linux Firefox URL bar behavior match Chrome and Windows Firefox
browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll -> true
browser.urlbar.doubleClickSelectsAll -> false
# Enable autoscroll on Linux
general.autoScroll -> true
# Disable smooth scroll
general.smoothScroll -> false
# Disable incredibly slow fullscreen animation
toolkit.cosmeticAnimations.enabled -> false
# Enable WebRender (use about:support to confirm that it works)
gfx.webrender.enabled -> true
# Don't show menu bar when holding down Alt
ui.key.menuAccessKeyFocuses -> false
# Unnecessary with uBlock Origin installed
browser.contentblocking.enabled -> false
# Disable default search
# Firefox has the same issue as
# Use a bookmark keyword to search instead
keyword.enabled -> false
# Disable Pocket
extensions.pocket.enabled -> false
# Wrap long lines in 'View source'
view_source.wrap_long_lines -> true
# "Privacy"
beacon.enabled -> false -> false
datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled -> false -> false
* Tree Style Tab configuration
'Promote All Children to the parent level always'
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