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Created March 7, 2024 17:00
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exploring various ways of determining optimal # bins across a distribution
package main
import (
func main() {
oatmealCookieData := []Record{
Record{Distance: 0.221699, CaloriesMin: 105.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.246969, CaloriesMin: 151.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.257615, CaloriesMin: 129.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.265802, CaloriesMin: 220.000000},
// Record{Distance: 0.273367, CaloriesMin: 96.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.278475, CaloriesMin: 166.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.281798, CaloriesMin: 102.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.286099, CaloriesMin: 149.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.298152, CaloriesMin: 131.706000},
Record{Distance: 0.300421, CaloriesMin: 229.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.302333, CaloriesMin: 108.000000},
// Record{Distance: 0.306329, CaloriesMin: 232.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.311352, CaloriesMin: 126.924000},
Record{Distance: 0.316033, CaloriesMin: 137.778000},
Record{Distance: 0.318632, CaloriesMin: 139.287000},
Record{Distance: 0.319882, CaloriesMin: 105.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.338914, CaloriesMin: 139.287000},
Record{Distance: 0.352538, CaloriesMin: 126.300000},
Record{Distance: 0.352664, CaloriesMin: 139.287000},
Record{Distance: 0.355051, CaloriesMin: 144.828000},
lasagnaData := []Record{
Record{Distance: 0.308568, CaloriesMin: 361.770000},
Record{Distance: 0.317278, CaloriesMin: 352.110000},
Record{Distance: 0.340925, CaloriesMin: 394.740000},
// Record{Distance: 0.345523, CaloriesMin: 164.070000},
Record{Distance: 0.361125, CaloriesMin: 438.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.364716, CaloriesMin: 3346.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.365076, CaloriesMin: 357.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.368206, CaloriesMin: 187.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.368369, CaloriesMin: 231.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.375945, CaloriesMin: 371.430000},
Record{Distance: 0.380823, CaloriesMin: 450.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.381618, CaloriesMin: 1108.920000},
Record{Distance: 0.382454, CaloriesMin: 399.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.388987, CaloriesMin: 976.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.397948, CaloriesMin: 820.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.403988, CaloriesMin: 540.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.404686, CaloriesMin: 641.000000},
// Record{Distance: 0.409581, CaloriesMin: 1942.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.410584, CaloriesMin: 975.000000},
Record{Distance: 0.414556, CaloriesMin: 286.000000},
fmt.Println("OATMEAL COOKIE")
type Record struct {
Distance float64
CaloriesMin float64
// simple binning, creating equally sized bins of distance 0.1
func calculateHist(data []Record) {
var distances, calories []float64
slices.SortFunc(data, func(a, b Record) int {
if a.Distance < b.Distance {
return -1
} else {
return 1
for _, r := range data {
distances = append(distances, r.Distance)
calories = append(calories, r.CaloriesMin)
dst := make([]float64, 6)
floats.Span(dst, 0.0, 0.5)
counts := stat.Histogram(nil, dst, distances, nil)
values := stat.Histogram(nil, dst, distances, calories)
for idx, count := range counts {
if count == 0 {
values[idx] = values[idx] / count
fmt.Printf("Values: %+v\n", values)
weightedAverage := weightedAverage(values)
fmt.Println("Weighted Average: ", weightedAverage)
func generateBins(records []Record) {
var distances []float64
for _, r := range records {
distances = append(distances, r.Distance)
width := calculateScaledFreedmanDiaconisBinWidth(distances)
fmt.Println("Width:", width)
start := 0.0
for start <= distances[len(distances)-1] {
fmt.Println("Bucket: ", start, start+width)
start = start + width
// calculate # bins with sturges' rule (log2(n) + 1)
func calculateSturgesRule(data []float64) float64 {
// Determine the number of data points
n := float64(len(data))
// Calculate the number of bins using Sturges' Rule
numBins := math.Ceil(math.Log2(n) + 1)
smallest := data[0]
largest := data[len(data)-1]
fmt.Println("BINS: ", numBins, " / Smallest:", smallest, " / Biggest:", largest)
return largest / numBins
// Function to calculate Scott's rule bin width based on varianace (std dev across the data set)
func calculateScottsRule(data []float64) float64 {
// Calculate the standard deviation of the data
stdDev := standardDeviation(data)
// Determine the number of data points
n := float64(len(data))
// Calculate the bin width using Scott's rule
binWidth := 3.5 * stdDev / math.Pow(n, 1.0/3.0)
return binWidth
// Function to calculate the standard deviation of a dataset
func standardDeviation(data []float64) float64 {
// Calculate the mean of the data
mean := mean(data)
// Calculate the sum of squares of differences from the mean
sumSqDiff := 0.0
for _, value := range data {
diff := value - mean
sumSqDiff += diff * diff
// Calculate the variance
variance := sumSqDiff / float64(len(data))
// Calculate the standard deviation
stdDev := math.Sqrt(variance)
return stdDev
// Function to calculate the mean of a dataset
func mean(data []float64) float64 {
sum := 0.0
for _, value := range data {
sum += value
return sum / float64(len(data))
// Freedman-Diaconis rule looks at the interquartile range of data between 0.25 and 0.75 percentile)
func calculateScaledFreedmanDiaconisBinWidth(data []float64) float64 {
// applying a scaling factor to reduce number of bins overall (-ivan)
const scaleFactor = 2.0
// Step 2: Calculate the interquartile range (IQR)
q1 := percentile(data, 0.25)
q3 := percentile(data, 0.75)
iqr := q3 - q1
// Step 3: Determine the number of data points
n := float64(len(data))
// Step 4: Calculate the bin width using the Freedman-Diaconis rule
binWidth := scaleFactor * 2.0 * iqr * math.Pow(n, (-1.0/3.0))
fmt.Printf("Interquartile range (IQR): %.6f\n", iqr)
// fmt.Printf("Number of data points: %d\n", int(n))
fmt.Printf("Bin width (Freedman-Diaconis rule): %.6f\n", binWidth)
return binWidth
// Function to calculate the percentile of a sorted dataset
func percentile(data []float64, percentile float64) float64 {
k := (float64(len(data)) - 1) * percentile
f := int(k)
c := k - float64(f)
if f+1 < len(data) {
return data[f] + c*(data[f+1]-data[f])
return data[f]
func weightedAverage(values []float64) float64 {
var totalWeight float64
n := len(values)
// // Calculate the total weight
// for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
// totalWeight += i
// }
weightedSum := 0.0
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
weight := math.Pow(float64(n-i), 2)
if values[i] > 0 {
fmt.Println("Adding value: ", values[i], " weight: ", weight)
weightedSum += values[i] * weight
totalWeight += weight
fmt.Println("Total weight:", totalWeight)
return weightedSum / float64(totalWeight)
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