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Last active November 7, 2024 21:39
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Magento 2 queue (background jobs) quick setup
#!/bin/bash -e
# Usage: ./
# (at magento's root dir)
# This will update your app/etc/env.php with the config needed
# to process magento queued messages (background jobs) using mysql + cron,
# executing them alongside your regular bin/magento cron:run scheduling
# Backup the env.php file to app/etc/env.php.bkp
if [ ! -e app/etc/env.php.bkp ]; then
cp app/etc/env.php{,.bkp}
# Ensure magerun2 is available
if [ ! -e bin/n98-magerun2 ]; then
echo 'Installing magerun2 to bin/n98-magerun2..'
curl --output bin/n98-magerun2
chmod +x bin/n98-magerun2
# Delete existent queue config, if set
echo 'Deleting old queue config...'
bin/n98-magerun2 config:env:delete queue
bin/n98-magerun2 config:env:delete cron_consumers_runner
# Setup new queue config
echo 'Setting up new queue config...'
bin/n98-magerun2 config:env:set queue.consumers_wait_for_messages 0
bin/n98-magerun2 config:env:set cron_consumers_runner.cron_run 1
bin/n98-magerun2 config:env:set cron_consumers_runner.max_messages 100
# Setup consumers
echo 'Setting up consumers...'
mapfile -t CONSUMERS < <(bin/magento queue:consumers:list | grep -v async.operations.all | sort)
for I in "${!CONSUMERS[@]}"; do
bin/n98-magerun2 config:env:set "cron_consumers_runner.consumers.$I" "${CONSUMERS[$I]}"
# Clean cache
echo 'Cleaning cache...'
bin/magento cache:clean
# Warm up the config cache
echo 'Warming up cache...'
bin/n98-magerun2 sys:check > /dev/null &
echo 'Done!'
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ivanaugustobd commented Nov 6, 2024

DISCLAIMER for Mac users: I doubt this is compatible with macOS utterly deprecated bash, so I recommend running it inside your docker stack (Warden, Docker Magento, ECE Tools, etc) php container instead

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