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Last active February 20, 2019 14:48
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import pprint
from lxml import html
import requests
import urllib
import base64
import json
def GetInformationByPublicLink(link):
cloudPage = requests.get(link)
if cloudPage.status_code != 200:
raise ConnectionError('Error get page, with code ' + str(cloudPage.status_code))
scriptBlocks = html.fromstring(cloudPage.content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')).xpath("//script")
for scriptBlock in scriptBlocks:
if "cloudSettings" in str(scriptBlock.text):
jsonFromPage = scriptBlock.text
if jsonFromPage is None:
raise ValueError('Page not have block with files')
jsonFromPage = str(jsonFromPage[jsonFromPage.find("{"):])
jsonFromPage = jsonFromPage.replace("\\x3c", "<")
if jsonFromPage[len(jsonFromPage)-1] == ";" :
jsonFromPage = jsonFromPage[:-1]
jsonFromPage = json.loads(jsonFromPage)
jsonFromPage = jsonFromPage['folders']['folder']['list']
return jsonFromPage
def GetFilesByExtension(listOfFiles, extension="mkv"):
extension = "." + extension
extLen = len(extension) * -1
return [cloudFile for cloudFile in listOfFiles
if cloudFile["type"] == "file" and
extension == cloudFile["name"][extLen:]
def GetPlaylistsDifferentQuality(cloudRecord, server = ""):
weblink = cloudRecord["weblink"]
urlEncodeWeblink = urllib.parse.quote(weblink)
b64Weblink = base64.b64encode(bytes(urlEncodeWeblink,'utf-8')).decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
playlistUrl = server + "/videowl/0p/" + b64Weblink + ".m3u8?double_encode=1"
playlistContent = requests.get(playlistUrl).content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
resolution = ""
playlists = {}
for line in playlistContent.split("\n"):
if line == "" or line == "#EXTM3U":
elif "#EXT-X-STREAM-INF" in line and resolution == "":
for param in line.split(" "):
if "RESOLUTION" in param:
resolution = param.split("=")[1]
elif line[0] == "/" and resolution != "":
playlists.update({resolution : server + line})
resolution = ""
raise ValueError("Error, uncorrect playlist, cannot parse, content:\n" + playlistContent)
return playlists
def GetCleanPlaylistContent(linkToPlaylist):
url = list(linkToPlaylist.values())[0]
playlistContent = requests.get(url).content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
urlBase = url[9:]
urlBase = url[:urlBase.find("/")+9]
content = ""
for line in playlistContent.split("\n"):
if line != "#EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY":
if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != "#":
line = urlBase + line
content += line + "\n"
return content[:-1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
listCloudFiles = GetInformationByPublicLink("")
listOfMkv = GetFilesByExtension(listCloudFiles)
print("all files " + str(len(listCloudFiles)))
print("mkv file "+ str(len(listOfMkv)))
allPlayList = "#EXTM3U"
for videoFile in listOfMkv:
name = videoFile["name"]
playlists = GetPlaylistsDifferentQuality(videoFile)
for quality,url in playlists.items():
if "x240" not in quality: continue
#lowQualityVideo = [{key:value} for key,value in playlists.items() if "x240" in key][0]
content = GetCleanPlaylistContent({quality:url})
filename = quality + "_" + name + ".m3u"
f = open(filename, "w")
allPlayList += "\n#EXTINF:-1," + name + "\n"
allPlayList += filename
f = open("allPlayList.m3u", "w")
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