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Last active November 5, 2016 19:28
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Sbarbank task 3
rm(list = ls())
# загрузка библиотек
xgb_predict <- function(cust_id) {
print(paste('Клиент', which(cust_test == cust_id)))
cust_grid <- = cust_id, mcc_code = unique(mcc$mcc_code), month_num = 0:15))
cust_tran <- tran[customer_id == cust_id, .(volume = sum(amount)), by = c('customer_id', 'mcc_code', 'month_num')]
cust_grid <- merge(cust_grid, cust_tran, by = c('customer_id', 'mcc_code', 'month_num'), all.x = T)
cust_grid[, volume := 0]
train_grid <- spread(cust_grid, month_num, volume, fill = 0, sep = '_')
train_grid[, mcc_code := factor(mcc_code)]
setkey(train_grid, mcc_code)
res <- train_grid[, customer_id:mcc_code, with = F]
dv <- dummyVars(~ 0 + ., train_grid)
train_data <-, train_grid))
X <- train_data[, mcc_code.742:month_num_14, with = F]
y <- train_data$month_num_15
cust_grid[, month_num := month_num - 1]
test_grid <- spread(cust_grid[month_num %in% 0:14], month_num, volume, fill = 0, sep = '_')
test_grid[, mcc_code := factor(mcc_code)]
setkey(test_grid, mcc_code)
dv <- dummyVars(~ 0 + ., test_grid)
X_pred <-, test_grid))[, mcc_code.742:month_num_14, with = F]
k <- 32
param <- list(
eta = 0.2/k,
max_depth = 5,
colsample_bytree = 0.7,
min_child_weight = 1,
gamma = 0.6,
subsample = 0.7,
objective = 'reg:linear',
eval_metric = "rmse"
model <- xgboost(data = as.matrix(X), label = y, params = param, nrounds = 100*k, print_every_n = 500, early_stopping_rounds = 100)
res$volume <- predict(model, as.matrix(X_pred))
# загрузка данных
tran <- fread('transactions.csv')
cust <- fread('customers_gender_train.csv')
mcc <- fread('tr_mcc_codes.csv')
tr_type <- fread('tr_types.csv')
cust_test <- unique(tran$customer_id)
cust_test <- cust_test[!cust_test %in% cust$customer_id]
# трансформируем данные
#mcc$mcc_code <- paste('mcc', as.character(mcc$mcc_code), sep = '_')
tran[, c('day', 'time') := tstrsplit(tr_datetime, ' ', fixed = TRUE, type.convert = TRUE)]
tran[, tr_datetime := NULL]
tran <- tran[amount < 0]
tran[, day := day + 29 - max(day) %% 30]
tran[, month_num := day %/% 30]
tran[, c('time', 'term_id', 'tr_type', 'day') := NULL]
tran[, amount := - amount]
tran[, amount := log(amount + 1)]
#tran <- tran[customer_id %in% cust_test]
# > var2
gr_data <- tran[, .(volume = sum(amount)), by = c('customer_id', 'mcc_code', 'month_num')]
gr_data <- gr_data[month_num %in% 10:15]
train_grid <- spread(gr_data, month_num, volume, fill = 0, sep = '_')
train_grid[, mcc_code := factor(mcc_code)]
setkey(train_grid, customer_id, mcc_code)
dv <- dummyVars(~ 0 + ., train_grid)
train_data <-, train_grid))
X <- train_data[, mcc_code.742:month_num_14, with = F]
y <- train_data$month_num_15
gr_data[, month_num := month_num - 1]
test_grid <- spread(gr_data[month_num %in% 10:14], month_num, volume, fill = 0, sep = '_')
test_grid[, mcc_code := factor(mcc_code)]
setkey(test_grid, customer_id, mcc_code)
res <- test_grid[, customer_id:mcc_code, with = F]
dv <- dummyVars(~ 0 + ., test_grid)
X_pred <-, test_grid))[, mcc_code.742:month_num_14, with = F]
preProc <- preProcess(X, method=c("center", "scale"))
X <- predict(preProc, X)
X_pred <- predict(preProc, X_pred)
fitControl <- trainControl(method = 'repeatedcv', number = 5, repeats = 3, verboseIter = TRUE)
model <- train(X, y,
method = 'lm',
trControl = fitControl,
metric = 'rmse'
res$volume <- predict(model, X_pred)
answer <- = cust_test, mcc_code = unique(mcc$mcc_code)))
answer[, mcc_code := factor(mcc_code)]
answer <- merge(answer, res, by = c('customer_id', 'mcc_code'), all.x = T)
answer[, volume := 0]
answer[, volume := exp(volume)]
answer[volume <= 1, volume := 0]
answer[volume == Inf, volume := 0]
answer[volume >= 1e6, volume := 0]
answer[, volume := round(volume, 2)]
write.csv(answer, 'task3_lm.csv', row.names = F, quote = F)
# < var2
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