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Created September 8, 2019 19:26
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using VkNet.Abstractions;
using VkNet.Exception;
using VkNet.Model;using VkNet.Model.RequestParams;
namespace ProjectName
public class LongPool
public LongPool(OptionsObj options)
this._api = Authorization.GetInstance(options.Login, options.Password);
if (_api is null)
Logger.Error(_api, null, "Ошибка авторизации.");
this.uploads = new Uploads(_api);
BotId = (ulong)options.BotId;
private IVkApi _api;
private Uploads uploads;
private ulong BotId;
public string CommandsPath;
private void MonteceVkBot_Logout(IVkApi owner)
Console.WriteLine("Отключение от VK...", ConsoleColor.Red);
private bool IsActive;
private Timer WatchTimer = null;
private ulong? _ts;
private ulong? _pts;
private string _key;
private string _server;
private delegate void MessagesRecievedDelegate(IVkApi owner, IEnumerable<Message> groupUpdate);
private event MessagesRecievedDelegate NewMessages;
/// <summary>
/// Запустить слежение за обновлениями в группе
/// </summary>
public void Start()
LongPollServerResponse Pool = _api.Messages.GetLongPollServer(true);
ulong ts;
if (Pool.Ts == "" || Pool.Ts == null)
throw new Exception();
ts = Convert.ToUInt64(Pool.Ts);
StartAsync(ts, Pool.Pts);
NewMessages += uploads.GetUpdate;
_api.OnTokenExpires += MonteceVkBot_Logout;
Console.WriteLine("Слежение за сообщениями активировано.", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
catch (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Нет соединения с интернетом!", ConsoleColor.Red);
private LongPollServerResponse GetLongPoolServer(ulong? lastPts = null)
LongPollServerResponse longPollServer = _api.Messages.GetLongPollServer();
if (lastPts != null)
_pts = lastPts;
_ts = Convert.ToUInt64(longPollServer.Ts);
_key = longPollServer.Key;
_server = longPollServer.Server;
return longPollServer;
private Task<LongPollServerResponse> GetLongPoolServerAsync(ulong? lastPts = null)
return Task.Run(() =>
return GetLongPoolServer(lastPts);
private IEnumerable<Message> GetLongPoolHistory()
LongPollHistoryResponse response = _api.Messages.GetLongPollHistory(
new MessagesGetLongPollHistoryParams
Pts = _pts,
Ts = _ts.Value
_pts = response.NewPts;
if (response.Messages.Count == 0)
return null;
return response.Messages;
catch (LongPollException exception)
if (exception is LongPollOutdateException outdateException)
_ts = Convert.ToUInt64(outdateException.Ts);
LongPollServerResponse server = GetLongPoolServer();
_ts = Convert.ToUInt64(server.Ts);
_key = server.Key;
_server = server.Server;
catch (System.Net.WebException ex)
return null;
catch (IOException ex)
return null;
catch (System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException ex)
return null;
catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException ex)
return null;
catch (Flurl.Http.FlurlHttpException)
return null;
#if !DEBUG
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error(_api, ex, "Ошибка в GetLongPollServer!");
return null;
catch (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Нет соединения с интернетом! " + DateTime.Now, ConsoleColor.Red);
catch (System.Net.WebException ex)
return null;
catch (IOException ex)
return null;
catch (System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException ex)
return null;
catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException ex)
return null;
catch (Flurl.Http.FlurlHttpException)
return null;
catch (VkNet.Exception.PublicServerErrorException ex)
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} Вконтакте недоступен!\n{ex.Message}", ConsoleColor.Red);
return null;
#if !DEBUG
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error(_api, ex, "Ошибка в GetLongPoolHistory!");
return null;
private Task<IEnumerable<Message>> GetLongPoolHistoryAsync()
return Task.Run(() => { return GetLongPoolHistory(); });
private async void WatchAsync(object state)
IEnumerable<Message> history = await GetLongPoolHistoryAsync();
if (!(history is null))
//CurrentSleepSteps = 0;
NewMessages?.Invoke(_api, history);
//else if (CurrentSleepSteps < MaxSleepSteps)
// CurrentSleepSteps++;
WatchTimer.Change(333, Timeout.Infinite);
private async void StartAsync(ulong? lastTs = null, ulong? lastPts = null)
if (IsActive)
Console.WriteLine("Messages for {0} already watching", ConsoleColor.Red);
IsActive = true;
await GetLongPoolServerAsync(lastPts);
WatchTimer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(WatchAsync), null, 333, Timeout.Infinite);
private void Stop()
if (WatchTimer != null)
IsActive = false;
WatchTimer = null;
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