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Last active March 31, 2020 12:36
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Shell cheat sheet

Terminal commands Cheat Sheet

echo $-             # shows the attributes enabled on the shell
[[ $- == *i* ]] && echo 'Interactive' || echo 'not-interactive'   # detect if you are in an interactive or non-interactive shell with
echo $0                 # display if the login_shell or not login_shell is used
shopt login_shell       # the same meaning as above command 
echo $SHELL             # display which shell is used
ps -p $$                # display which shell you are using at the time being
echo $?                 # exit status of the last running command
pwd                     # print working directory
ls                      # list files in directory
cd -                    # change current directory to previous one(not one level up)
cd                      # cd without args - jump to the home directory
~                       # home directory
..                      # up one directory
-                       # previous working directory
help | -h | --help      # get help
man -k . | grep '(2)'   # get the list of userland API commands from the man page section 2
cat                     # output the contents of a file
mkdir                   # create new directory
open                    # open a file with the associated program, a directory with Finder, or a URL with the default web browser
ps                      # list all running processes
kill                    # terminate existing process
rmd                     # permanently delete file
rmdir                   # remove directory

Working with Git

Quick Start

git clone <url> 					        # Clone directory
git checkout -b <new-branch> 		  # Create new local branch
git push -u origin <new-branch> 	# Sync local branch with remote
git checkout <branch> 				    # Checkout branch
git push origin <branch> 			    # Push branch to remote

git branch -d <branchname>   	    # deletes local branch
git push origin :<branchname>	    # deletes remote branch

git subtree push --prefix docs origin gh-pages      # push docs as subtree to gh-pages

Clone Directory

git clone <url>

Create Project

cd project/
git init                    # initializes the repository
git add .                   # add those 'unknown' files
git commit                  # commit all changes, edit changelog entry
git rm --cached <file>...   # ridiculously complicated command to undo, in case you forgot .gitignore

Branching and Merging

git branch                          # show list of all branches (* is active)
git checkout -b linux-work          # create a new branch named "linux-work"
<make changes>
git commit -a
git checkout master                 # go back to master branch
git merge linux-work                # merge changesets from linux-work (Git >= 1.5)
git pull . linux-work               # merge changesets from linux-work (all Git versions)
git branch -m <oldname> <newname>   # rename branch
git branch -m <newname>             # rename current branch

Delete Project

git branch -d <branchname>   	# deletes local branch
git push origin :<branchname>	# deletes remote branch
git remote prune <branchname>	# update local/remote sync

Merging Upstream

git remote -v 								                    # Get list of remote branches
git remote add upstream <upstream github url>	    # Add original as upstream
git remote -v 									                  # Check upstream

git fetch upstream 								                # Get original repo
git checkout development						              # Switch to main branch in local fork
git merge upstream/development					          # Merge original with fork

git diff --name-only | uniq | xargs subl		      # Fix conflicts in Sublime Text

Importing Patches

git apply < ../p/foo.patch
git commit -a

Exporting Patches

<make changes>
git commit -a -m "commit message"
git format-patch HEAD^              # creates 0001-commit-message.txt
                                    # (HEAD^ means every patch since one revision before the
                                    # tip of the branch, also known as HEAD)

Inspecting Revisions

# inspect history visually
gitk    # this opens a Tk window, and shows you how the revisions are connected

# inspect history

git log     # this pipes a log of the current branch into your PAGER
git log -p  # ditto, but append a patch after each commit message

# inspect a specific commit
git show HEAD   # show commit info, diffstat and patch
                # of the tip of the current branch

Referring to Revisions

# by name
git log v1.0.0  # show history leading up to tag "v1.0.0"
git log master  # show history of branch "master"

# relative to a name
git show master^    # show parent to last revision of master
git show master~2   # show grand parent to tip of master
git show master~3   # show great grand parent to tip of master (you get the idea)

# by output of "git describe"
git show v1.4.4-g730996f    # you get this string by calling "git describe"

# by hash (internally, all objects are identified by a hash)
git show f665776185ad074b236c00751d666da7d1977dbe
git show f665776    # a unique prefix is sufficient

# tag a revision
git tag v1.0.0                      # make current HEAD known as "v1.0.0"
git tag interesting v1.4.4-g730996f # tag a specific revision (not HEAD)

Comparing Revisions

# diff between two branches
git diff origin..master             # pipes a diff into PAGER
git diff origin..master > my.patch  # pipes a diff into my.patch

# get diffstat of uncommitted work
git diff --stat HEAD

Sublime as default text editor

cd ~
mkdir bin
ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text" ~/bin/subl
git config --global core.editor "subl -n -w"

### If that's not working
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/subl
sudo ln -s /Applications/Sublime\ Text\ /usr/local/bin
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