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Created September 16, 2021 08:04
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data class MyColors(
    val actionBar: Color,
    val primary: Color,
    val secondary: Color,
    val background: Color,
    val surface: Color,
    val error: Color,
    val textColor: Color,
    val textSecondaryColor: Color,
    val textFieldColor: Color,
) {
    fun toColors(isLight: Boolean): Colors = Colors(
        primary = primary,
        primaryVariant = primary,
        secondary = secondary,
        secondaryVariant = secondary,
        background = background,
        surface = surface,
        error = error,
        onPrimary = White,
        onSecondary = White,
        onBackground = textColor,
        onSurface = textColor,
        onError = primary,
        isLight = isLight,

private val ColorPalette = MyColors(
    actionBar = White,
    primary = Blue,
    secondary = Black,
    background = White,
    surface = White,
    error = Red,
    textColor = Black,
    textSecondaryColor = Gray,
    textFieldColor = LightGray,

fun ProvideMyColors(
    colors: MyColors,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
    val colorPalette = remember {

    CompositionLocalProvider(localMyColors provides colorPalette, content = content)

private val localMyColors = staticCompositionLocalOf<MyColors> {

object MyTheme {
    val colors: MyColors
        get() = localMyColors.current

fun MyTheme(darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(), content: @Composable() () -> Unit) {
    val colors = ColorPalette
    ProvideMyColors(colors = colors) {
            colors = colors.toColors(darkTheme),
            typography = Typography,
            shapes = Shapes,
            content = content


fun ErrorColorText() {
        text = errorMessage,
        color = MyTheme.colors.error,
        style = Typography.caption,
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