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Computation of similarity scores - Euclidean Distance and Pearson Correlations
#!/usr/bin/env python
import operator
from math import sqrt
from reader import PreferenceReader
class SimilarityScoring(PreferenceReader):
Extends the preference reader class to give our data structure the
ability to compute similarity scores between two critics and to give
the functionality to output a ranked list of similar critics if given
a single critic as an input.
def shared_rankings(self, criticA, criticB):
A helper method for finding the intersection of rated titles in
the data for both critics, A and B.
Return a dictionary whose keys are the title, and whose values are
the tuple of preferences (A,B) for critic A and B respectively.
Raises KeyError if criticA or criticB isn't in the data.
# Check if the two critics are in the data set.
if criticA not in self:
raise KeyError("Couldn't find critic '%s' in data" % criticA)
if criticB not in self:
raise KeyError("Couldn't find critic '%s' in data" % criticB)
# Find the intersection of the rated titles in the data.
# Iterate through the titles criticA has ranked and see if criticB
# has also ranked them. If so, create a tuple of the preferences,
# (A,B) in a shared_rankings dictionary.
rankings = {}
for title in self[criticA]:
if title in self[criticB]:
rankings[title] = (self[criticA][title],
return rankings
def _compute_rank(self, metric, critic):
An internal helper method that computes the similarity of a critic
to all other critics and returns them in an ordered fashion ranked
according to the metric, which should be a method of the class.
Raises KeyError if critic isn't in the data.
# Check if the critic is in the data set.
if critic not in self:
raise KeyError("Unknown critic, '%s'." % critic)
# Check to ensure the `metric` property is callable.
if not callable(metric):
raise TypeError("The 'metric' argument must be a callable.")
# Score the similarity against all other critics.
similarities = {}
for other_critic in self:
# Don't compare similarity against self!
if other_critic == critic:
# Store the similarity score in the dictionary
similarities[other_critic] = metric(critic, other_critic)
# Return a ranked ordered list:
return sorted(similarities.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
def euclidean_distance(self, criticA, criticB):
Reports the Euclidean distance of two critics, A and B by
performing a J-dimensional Euclidean calculation of each of their
preference vectors for the intersection of books the critics have
Raises KeyError if criticA or criticB isn't in the data.
# Get the intersection of the rated titles in the data.
preferences = self.shared_rankings(criticA, criticB)
# If they have no rankings in common, return 0.
if len(preferences) == 0: return 0
# Sum the squares of the differences
sum_of_squares = sum([pow(a-b, 2) for a, b in preferences.values()])
# Return the inverse of the distance to give a higher score to
# folks who are more similar (e.g. less distance) add 1 to prevent
# division by zero errors and normalize ranks in [0, 1]
return 1 / (1 + sqrt(sum_of_squares))
def euclidean_rank(self, critic):
Returns an ordered list of critics, ranked by similarity to the
critic given as input. The ordered list contains a tuple, the name
of the critic along with their euclidean similarity score.
Raises KeyError if critic isn't in the data.
return self._compute_rank(self.euclidean_distance, critic)
def pearson_correlation(self, criticA, criticB):
Returns the Pearson Correlation of two critics, A and B by
performing the PPMC calculation on the scatter plot of (a, b)
ratings on the shared set of critiqued titles.
Raises KeyError if criticA or criticB isn't in the data.
TODO: Should we return the absolute value?
# Get the set of mutually rated items
preferences = self.shared_rankings(criticA, criticB)
# Store the length to save traversals of the len computation.
# If they have no rankings in common, return 0.
length = len(preferences)
if length == 0: return 0
# Loop through the preferences of each critic once and compute the
# various summations that are required for our final calculation.
sumA = sumB = sumSquareA = sumSquareB = sumProducts = 0
for a, b in preferences.values():
sumA += a
sumB += b
sumSquareA += pow(a, 2)
sumSquareB += pow(b, 2)
sumProducts += a*b
# Calculate Pearson Score
numerator = (sumProducts*length) - (sumA*sumB)
denominator = sqrt(((sumSquareA*length) - pow(sumA, 2))
* ((sumSquareB*length) - pow(sumB, 2)))
# Prevent division by zero.
if denominator == 0: return 0
return abs(numerator / denominator)
def pearson_rank(self, critic):
Returns an ordered list of critics, ranked by similarity to the
critic given as input. The ordered list contains a tuple, the name
of the critic along with their Pearson Correlation score.
Raises KeyError if critic isn't in the data.
return self._compute_rank(self.pearson_correlation, critic)
if __name__ == "__main__":
similarity = SimilarityScoring('../data/book_ratings.tsv')
print "Euclidean Rank for Ben:"
print "\n".join(["%s:\t%0.4f" % item for item in similarity.euclidean_rank('Benjamin Bengfort')])
print "Pearson Rank for Ben:"
print "\n".join(["%s:\t%0.4f" % item for item in similarity.pearson_rank('Benjamin Bengfort')])
# tests.similarity_tests
# Tests the similarity module in collabtut.
# Author: Benjamin Bengfort <[email protected]>
# Created: Fri Aug 23 09:16:09 2013 -0400
# Copyright (C) 2013 Cobrain Company
# For license information, see LICENSE.txt
# ID: [] [email protected] $
Tests the similarity module in collabtut.
## Imports
import os
import unittest
from math import sqrt
from collabtut.similarity import SimilarityScoring
## Test Cases
class SimilarityTest(unittest.TestCase):
FIXTURE_PATH = 'test_ratings_fixture.tsv'
def setUp(self):
Create test data fixture and write to file.
data = (
("Lisa", "Lady in the Water", 2.5),
("Lisa", "Snakes on a Plane", 3.5),
("Lisa", "Just My Luck", 3.0),
("Lisa", "Superman Returns", 3.5),
("Lisa", "You, Me, and Dupree", 2.5),
("Lisa", "The Night Listener", 3.0),
("Gene", "Lady in the Water", 3.0),
("Gene", "Snakes on a Plane", 3.5),
("Gene", "Just My Luck", 1.5),
("Gene", "Superman Returns", 5.0),
("Gene", "The Night Listener", 3.0),
("Gene", "You, Me, and Dupree", 3.5),
("Bill", "Superman Returns", 4.0),
("Bill", "The Last Samurai", 4.0),
("Bill", "Despicable Me", 5.0),
("Sean", "Superman Returns", 4.0),
("Sean", "The Last Samurai", 4.0),
("Sean", "Despicable Me", 4.0),
with open(self.FIXTURE_PATH, 'w') as testdata:
for item in data:
testdata.write("\t".join([str(i) for i in item]) + "\n")
self.similarity = SimilarityScoring(self.FIXTURE_PATH)
def tearDown(self):
Remove test data fixture.
self.similarity = None
def test_sqrt(self):
Ensure square root computation is sane
val = sqrt(pow(4.5-4,2)+pow(1-2,2))
self.assertEqual(val, 1.1180339887498949)
def test_inversion(self):
Test square root inversion property
val = sqrt(pow(4.5-4,2)+pow(1-2,2))
inv = 1 / (1+val)
self.assertEqual(inv, 0.47213595499957939)
def test_euclidean(self):
Test the Euclidean Distance computation
distance = self.similarity.euclidean_distance('Lisa', 'Gene')
self.assertEqual(distance, 0.29429805508554946)
def test_euclidean_symmetry(self):
Test Euclidean symmetry
self.assertEqual(self.similarity.euclidean_distance('Lisa', 'Gene'),
self.similarity.euclidean_distance('Gene', 'Lisa'))
def test_pearson(self):
Test the Pearson Coefficient computation
correlation = self.similarity.pearson_correlation('Lisa', 'Gene')
self.assertEqual(correlation, 0.39605901719066977)
def test_square_domain(self):
Ensure no negative square root
correlation = self.similarity.pearson_correlation('Sean', 'Bill')
self.assertGreaterEqual(correlation, 0.0)
self.assertLessEqual(correlation, 1.0)
def test_pearson_rank(self):
Test the Pearson ranking
[('Gene', 0.39605901719066977), ('Sean', 0), ('Bill', 0)]
ranking = self.similarity.pearson_rank('Lisa')
self.assertEqual(len(ranking), 3)
self.assertEqual(ranking[0], ('Gene', 0.39605901719066977))
self.assertEqual(ranking[1], ('Sean', 0))
self.assertEqual(ranking[2], ('Bill', 0))
def test_euclidean_rank(self):
Test the Euclidean ranking
[('Sean', 0.6666666666666666), ('Bill', 0.6666666666666666), ('Gene', 0.29429805508554946)]
ranking = self.similarity.euclidean_rank('Lisa')
self.assertEqual(len(ranking), 3)
self.assertEqual(ranking[0], ('Sean', 0.6666666666666666))
self.assertEqual(ranking[1], ('Bill', 0.6666666666666666))
self.assertEqual(ranking[2], ('Gene', 0.29429805508554946))
def test_exceptions(self):
Ensure unknown critics are handled
pearson = self.similarity.pearson_correlation
euclidean = self.similarity.euclidean_distance
shared = self.similarity.shared_rankings
self.assertRaises(KeyError, pearson, 'Lisa', 'Ben')
self.assertRaises(KeyError, pearson, 'Ben', 'Lisa')
self.assertRaises(KeyError, euclidean, 'Lisa', 'Ben')
self.assertRaises(KeyError, euclidean, 'Ben', 'Lisa')
self.assertRaises(KeyError, shared, 'Lisa', 'Ben')
self.assertRaises(KeyError, shared, 'Ben', 'Lisa')
def test_range(self):
Ensure all metrics are in [0, 1]
euclidean = self.similarity.pearson_correlation
pearson = self.similarity.euclidean_distance
for criticA in self.similarity.critics:
for criticB in self.similarity.critics:
if criticA == criticB: continue
# Assert 0 < distance < 1
distance = euclidean(criticA, criticB)
self.assertGreaterEqual(distance, 0.0)
self.assertLessEqual(distance, 1.0)
# Assert 0 < correlation < 1
correlation = pearson(criticA, criticB)
self.assertGreaterEqual(correlation, 0.0)
self.assertLessEqual(correlation, 1.0)
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