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package com.example.webviewtvapp; | |
import android.content.Context; | |
import android.graphics.Canvas; | |
import android.graphics.Color; | |
import android.graphics.Paint; | |
import android.graphics.Paint.Style; | |
import android.graphics.Point; | |
import android.graphics.PointF; | |
import android.os.Handler; | |
import android.os.SystemClock; | |
import android.util.AttributeSet; | |
import android.util.Log; | |
import android.view.Display; | |
import android.view.KeyEvent; | |
import android.view.MotionEvent; | |
import android.view.MotionEvent.PointerCoords; | |
import android.view.MotionEvent.PointerProperties; | |
import android.view.View; | |
import android.view.WindowManager; | |
import android.widget.FrameLayout; | |
public class CursorLayout extends FrameLayout { | |
public static final int CURSOR_DISAPPEAR_TIMEOUT = 5000; | |
public static int CURSOR_RADIUS = 0; | |
public static float CURSOR_STROKE_WIDTH = 0.0f; | |
public static float MAX_CURSOR_SPEED = 0.0f; | |
public static int SCROLL_START_PADDING = 100; | |
public static final int UNCHANGED = -100; | |
public int EFFECT_DIAMETER; | |
public int EFFECT_RADIUS; | |
private Callback callback; | |
/* access modifiers changed from: private */ | |
public Point cursorDirection = new Point(0, 0); | |
/* access modifiers changed from: private */ | |
public Runnable cursorHideRunnable = new Runnable() { | |
public void run() { | |
CursorLayout.this.invalidate(); | |
} | |
}; | |
/* access modifiers changed from: private */ | |
public PointF cursorPosition = new PointF(0.0f, 0.0f); | |
/* access modifiers changed from: private */ | |
public PointF cursorSpeed = new PointF(0.0f, 0.0f); | |
private Runnable cursorUpdateRunnable = new Runnable() { | |
public void run() { | |
if (CursorLayout.this.getHandler() != null) { | |
CursorLayout.this.getHandler().removeCallbacks(CursorLayout.this.cursorHideRunnable); | |
} | |
long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); | |
long access$100 = currentTimeMillis - CursorLayout.this.lastCursorUpdate; | |
CursorLayout.this.lastCursorUpdate = currentTimeMillis; | |
float f = ((float) access$100) * 0.05f; | |
PointF access$200 = CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed; | |
CursorLayout cursorLayout = CursorLayout.this; | |
float f2 = cursorLayout.cursorSpeed.x; | |
CursorLayout cursorLayout2 = CursorLayout.this; | |
float access$400 = cursorLayout.bound(f2 + (cursorLayout2.bound((float) cursorLayout2.cursorDirection.x, 1.0f) * f), CursorLayout.MAX_CURSOR_SPEED); | |
CursorLayout cursorLayout3 = CursorLayout.this; | |
float f3 = cursorLayout3.cursorSpeed.y; | |
CursorLayout cursorLayout4 = CursorLayout.this; | |
access$200.set(access$400, cursorLayout3.bound(f3 + (cursorLayout4.bound((float) cursorLayout4.cursorDirection.y, 1.0f) * f), CursorLayout.MAX_CURSOR_SPEED)); | |
if (Math.abs(CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.x) < 0.1f) { | |
CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.x = 0.0f; | |
} | |
if (Math.abs(CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.y) < 0.1f) { | |
CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.y = 0.0f; | |
} | |
if (CursorLayout.this.cursorDirection.x == 0 && CursorLayout.this.cursorDirection.y == 0 && CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.x == 0.0f && CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.y == 0.0f) { | |
if (CursorLayout.this.getHandler() != null) { | |
CursorLayout.this.getHandler().postDelayed(CursorLayout.this.cursorHideRunnable, 5000); | |
} | |
return; | |
} | |
CursorLayout.this.tmpPointF.set(CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition); | |
CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition.offset(CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.x, CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.y); | |
Log.d("cursor1234_xxxx", String.valueOf(CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition.x)); | |
Log.d("cursor1234_yyyy", String.valueOf(CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition.y)); | |
if (CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition.x < 0.0f) { | |
CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition.x = 0.0f; | |
} else if (CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition.x > ((float) (CursorLayout.this.getWidth() - 1))) { | |
CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition.x = (float) (CursorLayout.this.getWidth() - 1); | |
} | |
if (CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition.y < 0.0f) { | |
CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition.y = 0.0f; | |
} else if (CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition.y > ((float) (CursorLayout.this.getHeight() - 1))) { | |
CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition.y = (float) (CursorLayout.this.getHeight() - 1); | |
} | |
if (!CursorLayout.this.tmpPointF.equals(CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition) && CursorLayout.this.dpadCenterPressed) { | |
CursorLayout cursorLayout5 = CursorLayout.this; | |
cursorLayout5.dispatchMotionEvent(cursorLayout5.cursorPosition.x, CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition.y, 2); | |
} | |
View childAt = CursorLayout.this.getChildAt(0); | |
if (childAt != null) { | |
if (CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition.y > ((float) (CursorLayout.this.getHeight() - CursorLayout.SCROLL_START_PADDING))) { | |
if (CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.y > 0.0f && childAt.canScrollVertically((int) CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.y)) { | |
childAt.scrollTo(childAt.getScrollX(), childAt.getScrollY() + ((int) CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.y)); | |
} | |
} else if (CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition.y < ((float) CursorLayout.SCROLL_START_PADDING) && CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.y < 0.0f && childAt.canScrollVertically((int) CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.y)) { | |
childAt.scrollTo(childAt.getScrollX(), childAt.getScrollY() + ((int) CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.y)); | |
} | |
if (CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition.x > ((float) (CursorLayout.this.getWidth() - CursorLayout.SCROLL_START_PADDING))) { | |
if (CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.x > 0.0f && childAt.canScrollHorizontally((int) CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.x)) { | |
childAt.scrollTo(childAt.getScrollX() + ((int) CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.x), childAt.getScrollY()); | |
} | |
} else if (CursorLayout.this.cursorPosition.x < ((float) CursorLayout.SCROLL_START_PADDING) && CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.x < 0.0f && childAt.canScrollHorizontally((int) CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.x)) { | |
childAt.scrollTo(childAt.getScrollX() + ((int) CursorLayout.this.cursorSpeed.x), childAt.getScrollY()); | |
} | |
} | |
CursorLayout.this.invalidate(); | |
if (CursorLayout.this.getHandler() != null) { | |
CursorLayout.this.getHandler().post(this); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
/* access modifiers changed from: private */ | |
public boolean dpadCenterPressed = false; | |
/* access modifiers changed from: private */ | |
public long lastCursorUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis(); | |
private Paint paint = new Paint(); | |
PointF tmpPointF = new PointF(); | |
public interface Callback { | |
void onUserInteraction(); | |
} | |
/* access modifiers changed from: private */ | |
public float bound(float f, float f2) { | |
if (f > f2) { | |
return f2; | |
} | |
float f3 = -f2; | |
return f < f3 ? f3 : f; | |
} | |
public CursorLayout(Context context) { | |
super(context); | |
init(); | |
} | |
public CursorLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) { | |
super(context, attributeSet); | |
init(); | |
} | |
private void init() { | |
if (!isInEditMode()) { | |
this.paint.setAntiAlias(true); | |
setWillNotDraw(false); | |
Display defaultDisplay = ((WindowManager) getContext().getSystemService(getContext().WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay(); | |
Point point = new Point(); | |
defaultDisplay.getSize(point); | |
this.EFFECT_RADIUS = point.x / 20; | |
CURSOR_STROKE_WIDTH = (float) (point.x / 400); | |
CURSOR_RADIUS = point.x / 110; | |
MAX_CURSOR_SPEED = (float) (point.x / 25); | |
SCROLL_START_PADDING = point.x / 15; | |
} | |
} | |
public void setCallback(Callback callback2) { | |
this.callback = callback2; | |
} | |
public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent motionEvent) { | |
Callback callback2 = this.callback; | |
if (callback2 != null) { | |
callback2.onUserInteraction(); | |
} | |
return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(motionEvent); | |
} | |
/* access modifiers changed from: protected */ | |
public void onSizeChanged(int i, int i2, int i3, int i4) { | |
super.onSizeChanged(i, i2, i3, i4); | |
UtilMethods.LogMethod("cursorView123_", "onSizeChanged"); | |
if (!isInEditMode()) { | |
this.cursorPosition.set(((float) i) / 2.0f, ((float) i2) / 2.0f); | |
if (getHandler() != null) { | |
getHandler().postDelayed(this.cursorHideRunnable, 5000); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent) { | |
UtilMethods.LogMethod("cursorView123_", "dispatchKeyEvent"); | |
Callback callback2 = this.callback; | |
if (callback2 != null) { | |
callback2.onUserInteraction(); | |
} | |
int keyCode = keyEvent.getKeyCode(); | |
if (!(keyCode == 66 || keyCode == 160)) { | |
switch (keyCode) { | |
case 19: | |
if (keyEvent.getAction() == 0) { | |
if (this.cursorPosition.y <= 0.0f) { | |
return super.dispatchKeyEvent(keyEvent); | |
} | |
handleDirectionKeyEvent(keyEvent, -100, -1, true); | |
} else if (keyEvent.getAction() == 1) { | |
handleDirectionKeyEvent(keyEvent, -100, 0, false); | |
} | |
return true; | |
case 20: | |
if (keyEvent.getAction() == 0) { | |
if (this.cursorPosition.y >= ((float) getHeight())) { | |
return super.dispatchKeyEvent(keyEvent); | |
} | |
handleDirectionKeyEvent(keyEvent, -100, 1, true); | |
} else if (keyEvent.getAction() == 1) { | |
handleDirectionKeyEvent(keyEvent, -100, 0, false); | |
} | |
return true; | |
case 21: | |
if (keyEvent.getAction() == 0) { | |
if (this.cursorPosition.x <= 0.0f) { | |
return super.dispatchKeyEvent(keyEvent); | |
} | |
handleDirectionKeyEvent(keyEvent, -1, -100, true); | |
} else if (keyEvent.getAction() == 1) { | |
handleDirectionKeyEvent(keyEvent, 0, -100, false); | |
} | |
return true; | |
case 22: | |
if (keyEvent.getAction() == 0) { | |
if (this.cursorPosition.x >= ((float) getWidth())) { | |
return super.dispatchKeyEvent(keyEvent); | |
} | |
handleDirectionKeyEvent(keyEvent, 1, -100, true); | |
} else if (keyEvent.getAction() == 1) { | |
handleDirectionKeyEvent(keyEvent, 0, -100, false); | |
} | |
return true; | |
case 23: | |
break; | |
default: | |
switch (keyCode) { | |
case 268: | |
if (keyEvent.getAction() == 0) { | |
handleDirectionKeyEvent(keyEvent, -1, -1, true); | |
} else if (keyEvent.getAction() == 1) { | |
handleDirectionKeyEvent(keyEvent, 0, 0, false); | |
} | |
return true; | |
case 269: | |
if (keyEvent.getAction() == 0) { | |
handleDirectionKeyEvent(keyEvent, -1, 1, true); | |
} else if (keyEvent.getAction() == 1) { | |
handleDirectionKeyEvent(keyEvent, 0, 0, false); | |
} | |
return true; | |
case 270: | |
if (keyEvent.getAction() == 0) { | |
handleDirectionKeyEvent(keyEvent, 1, -1, true); | |
} else if (keyEvent.getAction() == 1) { | |
handleDirectionKeyEvent(keyEvent, 0, 0, false); | |
} | |
return true; | |
case 271: | |
if (keyEvent.getAction() == 0) { | |
handleDirectionKeyEvent(keyEvent, 1, 1, true); | |
} else if (keyEvent.getAction() == 1) { | |
handleDirectionKeyEvent(keyEvent, 0, 0, false); | |
} | |
return true; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!isCursorDissappear()) { | |
if (keyEvent.getAction() == 0 && !getKeyDispatcherState().isTracking(keyEvent)) { | |
getKeyDispatcherState().startTracking(keyEvent, this); | |
this.dpadCenterPressed = true; | |
dispatchMotionEvent(this.cursorPosition.x, this.cursorPosition.y, 0); | |
} else if (keyEvent.getAction() == 1) { | |
getKeyDispatcherState().handleUpEvent(keyEvent); | |
dispatchMotionEvent(this.cursorPosition.x, this.cursorPosition.y, 1); | |
this.dpadCenterPressed = false; | |
} | |
return true; | |
} | |
return super.dispatchKeyEvent(keyEvent); | |
} | |
/* access modifiers changed from: private */ | |
public void dispatchMotionEvent(float f, float f2, int i) { | |
UtilMethods.LogMethod("cursorView123_", "dispatchMotionEvent"); | |
long uptimeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); | |
long uptimeMillis2 = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); | |
PointerProperties pointerProperties = new PointerProperties(); | |
pointerProperties.id = 0; | |
pointerProperties.toolType = 1; | |
PointerProperties[] pointerPropertiesArr = {pointerProperties}; | |
PointerCoords pointerCoords = new PointerCoords(); | |
pointerCoords.x = f; | |
pointerCoords.y = f2; | |
pointerCoords.pressure = 1.0f; | |
pointerCoords.size = 1.0f; | |
dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent.obtain(uptimeMillis, uptimeMillis2, i, 1, pointerPropertiesArr, new PointerCoords[]{pointerCoords}, 0, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0)); | |
} | |
private void handleDirectionKeyEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent, int i, int i2, boolean z) { | |
this.lastCursorUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis(); | |
if (!z) { | |
getKeyDispatcherState().handleUpEvent(keyEvent); | |
this.cursorSpeed.set(0.0f, 0.0f); | |
} else if (!getKeyDispatcherState().isTracking(keyEvent)) { | |
Handler handler = getHandler(); | |
handler.removeCallbacks(this.cursorUpdateRunnable); | |
handler.post(this.cursorUpdateRunnable); | |
getKeyDispatcherState().startTracking(keyEvent, this); | |
} else { | |
return; | |
} | |
Point point = this.cursorDirection; | |
if (i == -100) { | |
i = point.x; | |
} | |
if (i2 == -100) { | |
i2 = this.cursorDirection.y; | |
} | |
point.set(i, i2); | |
} | |
/* access modifiers changed from: protected */ | |
public void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) { | |
super.dispatchDraw(canvas); | |
UtilMethods.LogMethod("cursorView123_", "dispatchDraw"); | |
if (!isInEditMode() && !isCursorDissappear()) { | |
float f = this.cursorPosition.x; | |
float f2 = this.cursorPosition.y; | |
this.paint.setColor(Color.argb(128, 255, 255, 255)); | |
this.paint.setStyle(Style.FILL); | |
canvas.drawCircle(f, f2, (float) CURSOR_RADIUS, this.paint); | |
this.paint.setColor(-7829368); | |
this.paint.setStrokeWidth(CURSOR_STROKE_WIDTH); | |
this.paint.setStyle(Style.STROKE); | |
canvas.drawCircle(f, f2, (float) CURSOR_RADIUS, this.paint); | |
} | |
} | |
private boolean isCursorDissappear() { | |
return System.currentTimeMillis() - this.lastCursorUpdate > 5000; | |
} | |
/* access modifiers changed from: protected */ | |
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { | |
super.onDraw(canvas); | |
} | |
} |
<com.example.webviewtvapp.CursorLayout | |
android:layout_width="match_parent" | |
android:layout_height="match_parent" | |
android:id="@+id/cursorLayout"> | |
<WebView | |
android:id="@+id/webView" | |
android:layout_width="match_parent" | |
android:layout_height="match_parent"/> | |
</com.example.webviewtvapp.CursorLayout> |
I keep getting "Cannot resolve symbol 'UtilMethods' error. Any help?
I keep getting "Cannot resolve symbol 'UtilMethods' error. Any help?
Just Comment it, its just Log Function that he create from his Class.
So how to fasten the cursor?
its too slow for me.. any idea?
I keep getting "Cannot resolve symbol 'UtilMethods' error. Any help?
Just Comment it, its just Log Function that he create from his Class.
Hey, thanks for this info Ardityo. I am a bit of a noob. Can you further elaborate on how to do this?
I keep getting "Cannot resolve symbol 'UtilMethods' error. Any help?
Just Comment it, its just Log Function that he create from his Class.
Hey, thanks for this info Ardityo. I am a bit of a noob. Can you further elaborate on how to do this?
just put // in front of the function
How can I start the cursor service on my main activity
I m trying to control the website on TV by cursor
I have the above code [cursor pointer custom view layout for webview android tv]
And create a new class of it
Below is my webview app main activity
package com.example.webview;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.webkit.WebSettings;
import android.webkit.WebView;
import android.webkit.WebViewClient;
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.Paint.Style;
import android.graphics.Point;
import android.graphics.PointF;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.MotionEvent.PointerCoords;
import android.view.MotionEvent.PointerProperties;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
private WebView mywebView;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
protected void onResume() {
mywebView = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.main_webview);
mywebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());
startService(new Intent(this,CursorLayout.class));
WebSettings webSettings = mywebView.getSettings();
and below is my layout
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
protected void onResume() {
mywebView = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.main_webview);
mywebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());
startService(new Intent(this,CursorLayout.class));
WebSettings webSettings = mywebView.getSettings();
startService(new Intent(this,CursorLayout.class));
CursorLayout cursorLayout = new CursorLayout(this);
Is there any way to make it where mouse cursor only works on certain parts of the screen? Like half of the screen uses mouse selector and the other half uses regular up/down/left/right selection.
Thanks for sharing...
I just want to add a pan tool like drag/drop feature on dpad long click But I can't figure out how to implement it.
Is there any way to make it where mouse cursor only works on certain parts of the screen? Like half of the screen uses mouse selector and the other half uses regular up/down/left/right selection.
Sure, you can.
You should edit some on xml.
Simply brilliant
hi, great job!, could please tell me how to programmatically move the cursor from the activity?