- "use strong"
- --use-strong
- implies strict mode
- 'var' is a syntax error
- 'function' is lexically scoped everywhere
- unbound variables are an early reference error
- forward reference to anything but functions or classes is an early reference error
- only allow forward references to functions in the same group
- only allow forward references to classes in the same group
Objects & Arrays
- literals create strong objects
- rest patterns create strong arrays
- array elisions are syntax error
- reading a missing property is a type error
- setting prototype is a type error
- deleting a property is rejected
- freezing non-configurable property is type error
Functions & Generators
- 'arguments' is syntax error
- literals create strong functions/generators
- 'function' bindings are immutable
- functions are not constructors
- functions have no 'prototype'
- functions have no 'caller', 'callee', 'arguments'
- function objects are frozen
- too few arguments are type error
- "use strong" in constructor body is a syntax error
- 'this' in constructor only for assignment [*]
- no reference to 'this' before 'super' call in constructor
- no reference to 'this' after 'return' in constructor
- no 'this' assignment nested in other statement in constructor
- no use of 'super' in constructor other than call
- no 'super' call nested in other statement in constructor
- no 'return' before the super call in constructor
- no 'return' with value in constructor
- 'null' as a super class is type error
- 'class' bindings are immutable
- class objects are frozen
- class prototypes are frozen
- inheriting from a strong class outside strong mode is a type error [*]
- strong class constructors create strong instances [*]
- instances of strong classes are sealed [*]
- numeric operators require number
- '+' requires both numbers or both strings
- '++' and '--' require numbers
- inequality requires both numbers or both strings
- indexing requires number, string, or symbol
- binding 'undefined' is syntax error outside destructuring
- assigning to 'undefined' is syntax error outside destructuring
- direct 'eval' is syntax error
- fall-through is a syntax error
- declaration in case block is a syntax error
- 'for'-'in' is syntax error
- 'delete' is a syntax error [*]
- ==' and '!=' are syntax errors
- dependent empty statement is syntax error
Things that have not been finished:
- scoping checks when using 'eval'
- making duplicate properties in object literals an error
- throwing when writing a missing property
- restrictions on arrays' 'length' property
- restrictions on arrays' non-index properties
- making out-of-bounds indices an error for arrays and strings
- invoking a class method on non-instances is a type error
- libraries
Source: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/strengthen-js/ojj3TDxbHpQ