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Last active June 2, 2020 09:40
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Date Aggregation Mongodb
  _id: {
    flightOperationHash: "$flightOperationHash",
    interval: {
      $subtract: [
        { "$minute": "$time" },
        { "$mod": [{ "$minute": "$time"}, 1] }
  grouped_data: { $push: {timestamp: "$timestamp"} },
  count: { $sum: 1 }

Found from StackOverflow

        "$project": {
            "date": { "$add": [new Date(0), "$timestamp"] },
            "timestamp": 1,
            "value": 1
        "$group": {
            "_id": {
                "year": { "$year": "$date" },
                "dayOfYear": { "$dayOfYear": "$date" },
                "interval": {
                    "$subtract": [ 
                        { "$minute": "$date" },
                        { "$mod": [{ "$minute": "$date"}, 10 ] }
            "grouped_data": { "$push": {"timestamp": "$timestamp", "value": "$value" } }
            "_id": 0,
            "grouped_data": 1
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