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Created September 30, 2015 15:33
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Simple MonteCarlo simulation
####### load required packages and ste seed ########
library(mc2d) #for PERT distribution
library(ggplot2) #for plotting
DDoS <- 10 #Number of DDoS attacks per year
software_cost <- 100000 #Cost of new technology
DDoS_new <- runif(n=1000,min=3,max=6) #Num of attacks after investment
downtime_min <- 2
downtime_max <- 24
downtime_avg <- 6
downtime_cost <- 1000
brand_damage_min <- 50000
brand_damage_max <- 150000
####### without investment ########
no_invest <- rpois(n=1000,DDoS) * (runif(n=1000,min=brand_damage_min,
max=brand_damage_max) +
print(paste("Without investment Annualised Loss Expectancy at the 10th Percentile is",
round(quantile(no_invest,.1),2),", ",round(median(no_invest,.1),2),
" at the Median", "& ",round(quantile(no_invest,.9),2),
" at the 90th Percentile"))
######## with investment ########
invest <- rpois(n=1000,DDoS_new) * (runif(n=1000,min=brand_damage_min,
max=brand_damage_max) +
4)*downtime_cost) + software_cost
print(paste("With investment Annualised Loss Expectancy at the 10th Percentile is",
round(quantile(invest,.1),2),", ",round(median(invest,.1),2),
" at the Median", "& ",round(quantile(invest,.9),2),
" at the 90th Percentile"))
####### plot the distributions of the monte carlo simulations #######
ALE <- data.frame(investment = c(rep("Investment",1000),rep("No Investment",1000)),
scale_colour_manual("",values=c("Investment"="black","No Investment"="red"))+
scale_fill_manual("",values=c("Investment"="black","No Investment"="red"))+
xlab("Cost (£100,000)")+
ggtitle("The Effect of an £100k Investment on Annualised Loss Expectancy")
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