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Created July 21, 2024 16:20
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Async in Python
Calling Normal Function using Async Functions
1. to_thread
2. gather+to_thread
Calling ASync Function using Async Functions
1. No need of to_thread
2. only gather
import asyncio
import threading
import time
#Normal Function
def normal(a):
print("Running normal")
print(f"done wait {a}")
#Async Function
async def asyncFn(i):
print("Running asyncFn")
await asyncio.sleep(i)
return i
async def main():
result1=await t1
await asyncio.gather(asyncFn(3),asyncFn(1))
await asyncio.to_thread(normal,1)
await asyncio.gather(asyncio.to_thread(normal,3),asyncio.to_thread(normal,1))
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