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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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How many meetings were scheduled on your calendar in the last month?
Determine how much time you spend in meetings over a month
on sortEvents(theList)
-- if there's only one event then it is, by definition, sorted
if (count theList) = 1 then return theList
-- if we get here we have more than 2 items, so iterate through them
set sorted to false -- assume they're out of order
repeat until sorted = true
set sorted to true
repeat with i from 1 to (count theList) - 1
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
-- check two items
if start time of item i of theList > start time of item (i + 1) of theList then
-- they're out of order, so set the flag
set sorted to false
-- swap the items (via a temp object
copy item (i + 1) of theList to tmpEvent
set item (i + 1) of theList to item i of theList
set item i of theList to tmpEvent
end if
end tell
end repeat
end repeat
-- and return the sorted list
return theList
end sortEvents
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
-- get the currently selected message or messages
set currentDate to (current date)
set oneMonthAgo to currentDate - 31 * days
set theEvents to every calendar event whose start time is greater than oneMonthAgo and start time is less than currentDate
set theEvents to my sortEvents(theEvents)
-- if there are no messages selected, warn the user and then quit
if theEvents is {} then
display dialog "Please select a meeting first and then run this script." with icon 1
end if
set theSubject to "Hours of Meetings"
set theContent to theSubject
set curDay to ""
set nextDay to ""
set startHour to ""
set endHour to ""
set totalMeetings to 0
set totalHours to 0
set totalDays to 0
set dailyHours to 0
repeat with theEvent in theEvents
set totalMeetings to totalMeetings + 1
-- get the information from the message, and store it in variables
set startDate to ((start time of theEvent))
set endDate to ((end time of theEvent))
set nextDay to (weekday of startDate) & ", " & (month of startDate) & " " & (day of startDate)
if (curDay is not equal to nextDay) then
if (dailyHours is not equal to 0) then
set theContent to theContent & "    " & (dailyHours as integer) & " hours of meetings"
end if
set theContent to theContent & "<br>" & nextDay & "<br>"
set curDay to nextDay
set totalHours to totalHours + dailyHours
set dailyHours to 0
set totalDays to totalDays + 1
end if
set startHour to (time string of startDate)
set endHour to (time string of endDate)
if (startHour is not equal to endHour) then
set used to ((endDate - startDate) / 3600)
set dailyHours to dailyHours + used
end if
end repeat
set theContent to theContent & "<br>"
set theContent to theContent & "<br>Over " & totalDays & " days:"
set theContent to theContent & "<br>Total number of hours of scheduled meetings " & (totalHours as integer)
set theContent to theContent & "<br>Total number of scheduled meetings " & totalMeetings
set theContent to theContent & "<br>Average hours per meeting " & (totalHours / totalMeetings)
set theContent to theContent & "<br>Average hours per day " & (totalHours / totalDays)
set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theContent}
open newMessage
end tell
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