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Created January 28, 2016 06:25
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Clojurescript port of the debug demo from the google closure library
; Clojurescript port of the debug demo from the google closure library
; at
(:require [goog.debug :as debug]
[goog.log :as log])
(:import [goog.debug FancyWindow]
[goog.log Level]))
; Person - a simple person object.
(deftype Person [name age address children]
(addChild [_ kid] (.push children kid))
(setAddress [this address] (aset this "address" address))
(toString [_] (str "Person name: " name " Age: " age)))
; Create the debug window.
(def debugWindow (FancyWindow. "main"))
; Create a logger.
(def theLogger (log/getLogger "demo"))
; Create a simple object.
(def someone #js {"name" "joe"
"age" 33
"gender" "m"
"kids" ["jen" "sam" "oliver"]
"address" "233 Great Road, Axtonhammer, MD"})
; Now create a Person object to demonstrate expose w/functions.
(def pObj (Person. "fred" 2 nil #js []))
;; Demonstrate the debug options.
(defn demoDebug []
(.setEnabled debugWindow true)
(.init debugWindow)
; Show the object, note that it wil output '[object Object]'.
(log/info theLogger someone)
; Use expose to walk through the object and show all data.
(log/info theLogger (str "Person: " (debug/expose someone)))
; Add a child, and an address
(.addChild pObj someone)
(.setAddress pObj "1 broadway, ny, ny")
; The toString will be called.
(log/info theLogger (str "toString: " pObj))
; Does not show the functions by default.
(log/info theLogger (str "expose (no functions): " (debug/expose pObj)))
; You can specify false if you really want to.
(log/info theLogger (str "expose (no functions): " (debug/expose pObj false)))
; Shows the functions as well.
(log/info theLogger (str "expose (no functions): " (debug/expose pObj true)))
; Show deepExpose, which walks recursively through data.
(log/info theLogger (str "deepExpose (no functions): " (debug/deepExpose pObj)))
; You can specify false if you really want to.
(log/info theLogger (str "deepExpose (no functions): " (debug/deepExpose pObj false)))
(log/info theLogger (str "deepExpose (w/functions): " (debug/deepExpose pObj true)))
(log/log theLogger Level.SHOUT "shout")
(log/error theLogger "severe")
(log/warning theLogger "warning")
(log/info theLogger "info")
(log/fine theLogger "fine"))
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