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Last active May 17, 2019 17:30
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Bridge and Torch Logic Puzzle (written in Go)
package main
import (
func TestNumberOfParticipants(t *testing.T) {
// Initialize our Participants array
participants := GetJSONFileStuffInStruct("input.json")
if len(participants.Participants) != 0 {
// Get the number of participants in the jsonFile
numberOfParticipants := len(participants.Participants)
wantValue := 4
errorWant := fmt.Sprintf("numberOfParticipants was not %d, ", wantValue)
if numberOfParticipants != wantValue {
t.Errorf(errorWant+"got: %d, want: %d.", numberOfParticipants, wantValue)
func TestSlowestPartcipant(t *testing.T) {
// Initialize our Participants array
participants := GetJSONFileStuffInStruct("input.json")
if len(participants.Participants) != 0 {
// Sort the list of participant by speed in descending order
sort.Slice(participants.Participants, func(i, j int) bool {
return participants.Participants[i].Speed < participants.Participants[j].Speed
wantName := "Shiv"
wantValue := 8
errorWant := fmt.Sprintf("Slowest Participant is not '{%s %d}', ", wantName, wantValue)
if participants.Participants[(len(participants.Participants)-1)] != (Participant{Name: wantName, Speed: wantValue}) {
t.Errorf(errorWant+"got: %v, want: %v.", participants.Participants[(len(participants.Participants)-1)], (Participant{Name: wantName, Speed: wantValue}))
func TestFastestPartcipant(t *testing.T) {
// Initialize our Participants array
participants := GetJSONFileStuffInStruct("input.json")
if len(participants.Participants) != 0 {
// Sort the list of participant by speed in descending order
sort.Slice(participants.Participants, func(i, j int) bool {
return participants.Participants[i].Speed < participants.Participants[j].Speed
wantName := "Mouna"
wantValue := 1
errorWant := fmt.Sprintf("Fastest Participant is not '{%s %d}', ", wantName, wantValue)
if participants.Participants[0] != (Participant{Name: wantName, Speed: wantValue}) {
t.Errorf(errorWant+"got: %v, want: %v.", participants.Participants[0], (Participant{Name: wantName, Speed: wantValue}))
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