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Jason Creviston j4w8n

  • xinkjs
  • Indiana, US
  • 05:53 (UTC -05:00)
  • X @j4w8n
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j4w8n /
Created December 13, 2024 20:14
Pull Request Label Standard

Pull Request Label Standard

In order to form a more perfect PR process, I'm proposing the use of standardized labels to mark a PR's status or statuses. It's main purpose is to benefit the community involved.

Your feedback is needed.


  • PRs are not required to be labeled at any point in their lifecycle; to remain suitable for appropriate triaging and handling.
  • PRs are not required to go through any or all "positive" steps on their way to being merged.
j4w8n /
Last active February 28, 2025 16:16
Implement user API keys with Supabase

Implement user API keys with Supabase

This is pretty much my first crack at this. I'm sure things could be improved or done differently.


JWTs are at the heart of Supabase authorization, but sometimes we wanna build an app that also gives users access via API keys; or perhaps only exclusively via API keys. As you may know, using JWTs as API keys makes them difficult to revoke and therefore a security issue.

We also want to ensure this doesn't significantly add to RLS polices, if at all.

Finally, we'd love to have this handled by Supabase and do as little as possible in our framework. This simplifies our code and reduces third-party libraries.