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Last active April 21, 2023 19:36
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Hashicorp Nomad Examples

A few Nomad examples. Nomad is great and is worth considering as an alternative to k3s and docker compose.

job "argo" {
priority = 50
datacenters = ["dc1"]
type = "service"
group "argo" {
count = 1
task "argo-setup" {
lifecycle {
hook = "prestart"
sidecar = false
driver = "raw_exec"
template {
data = <<EOH
sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=2500000
destination = ""
perms = "0744"
config {
command = "/bin/bash"
args = [""]
task "argo-up" {
driver = "raw_exec"
artifact {
source = "${attr.cpu.arch}"
destination = "local/"
config {
command = "${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/cloudflared-linux-${attr.cpu.arch}"
args = [
"<token here>",
resources {
cpu = 512
memory = 1024
job "minecraft" {
datacenters = ["dc1"]
type = "service"
group "bedrock-server" {
constraint {
attribute = "${attr.cpu.arch}"
operator = "="
value = "amd64"
network {
port "udp" {
static = 19132
service {
name = "bedrock"
port = "udp"
tags = [
"traefik.http.routers.bedrock.rule=Host(`bedrock.service.consul`) || Host(``)"
task "bedrock-up" {
driver = "docker"
config {
image = "itzg/minecraft-bedrock-server"
ports = ["udp"]
mount {
type = "volume"
target = "/data"
source = "bedrock"
readonly = false
volume_options {
no_copy = false
driver_config {
name = "local"
options {
type = "nfs"
o = "nfsvers=4,addr=fileserver,rw"
device = ":/configs/minecraft/bedrock/data"
env {
EULA = "true"
ONLINE_MODE = "false"
resources {
cpu = 512
memory = 1024
group "papermc-server" {
network {
port "tcp" {
static = 25565
service {
name = "papermc"
port = "tcp"
tags = [
task "papermc-up" {
driver = "docker"
config {
image = "marctv/minecraft-papermc-server:latest"
ports = ["tcp"]
mount {
type = "volume"
target = "/data"
source = "papermc"
readonly = false
volume_options {
no_copy = false
driver_config {
name = "local"
options {
type = "nfs"
o = "nfsvers=4,addr=fileserver,rw"
device = ":/configs/minecraft/papermc/data"
env {
TZ = "Europe/Dublin"
resources {
cpu = 2048
memory = 2560
locals {
traefik_version = "2.5.5"
job "routing" {
datacenters = ["dc1"]
type = "system"
priority = 90
constraint {
attribute = "${}"
operator = "="
value = "linux"
group "traefik" {
network {
port "http" {
static = 80
to = 80
port "https" {
static = 443
to = 443
port "ui" {}
port "ping" {}
service {
name = "traefik"
port = "https"
tags = [
"traefik.http.routers.api.rule=Host(`traefik.service.consul`) && (PathPrefix(`/api/`) || PathPrefix(`/dashboard/`))"
check {
type = "http"
port = "ping"
path = "/ping"
interval = "30s"
timeout = "2s"
task "traefik-routing-up" {
driver = "raw_exec"
artifact {
source = "${local.traefik_version}/traefik_v${local.traefik_version}_linux_${attr.cpu.arch}.tar.gz"
config {
command = "${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/traefik"
args = [
resources {
cpu = 50
memory = 50
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