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Random Beat Sequencer (AudioContext Oscillators FTW)
<h1>Random Beat Sequencer</h1>
<div id="composition">
<div class="header">
<div class="pattern">
<div class="bar">
<div class="beats"></div>
<div class="label"></div>
<div class="rhythms">
<span id="indicator"></span>
<div class="triggers">
<a id="play">
<span class="play">Play</span>
<span class="stop">Stop</span>
<a id="new">New</a>
<h1>Why this exists</h1>
<p>I have become more and more intrigued by the idea of creating order out of chaos. I recently made a <a href="" target="blank">Random "Word" Generator</a>. I decided that I would like to try and do a similar thing with music, and rhythms are a great starting point. Maybe I was late to the game, but I just recently learned that you can create and play oscillators in webkit browsers which is pretty incredible, so I had to try it out.</p>
<h1>How it works</h1>
<h2>The Composition Object</h2>
<p>The composition object consists of composition-level parameters.</p>
<li><strong>bars:</strong> the number of bars to generate</li>
<li><strong>beats:</strong> how many beats per bar</li>
<li><strong>resolution:</strong> the beat resolution (grid size)</li>
<li><strong>bpm:</strong> beats per minute</li>
<pre>composition = {
bars: 2,
beats: 4,
resolution: 16,
bpm: 90
<h2>Instrument Objects</h2>
<p>Instrument objects consist of pattern and oscillator parameters.</p>
<li><strong>name:</strong> the name of the instrument</li>
<li><strong>min:</strong> the minimum beat (can happen on every ___ note)</li>
<li><strong>tendency:</strong> {object}
<li>Tends to be on a ___ note starting on beat ___. </li>
<li><strong>every:</strong> the first blank</li>
<li><strong>on:</strong> the second blank</li>
<li><strong>presence:</strong> the chance of appearing on every minimum beat (is increased on tendency)</li>
<li><strong>tone:</strong> {object}
<li><strong>freq:</strong> oscillator frequency</li>
<li><strong>sustain:</strong> note sustain</li>
<li><strong>wave:</strong> oscillator waveform</li>
<pre>kick = {
name: 'kick',
min: 1 / 8,
tendency: {every: 1/2, on: 1},
presence: 0.3,
tone: {frequency: 60, sustain: 0.2, wave: 'square'}
<h2>Putting it together</h2>
<p>Each instrument gets fed along with the composition into a rhythm generator that uses the parameters to generate a random rhythm for that instrument. The rhythm's beats output is nothing more than an array of zeroes (misses), ones (hits), and falses (below minimum beats).</p>
<p>When a new rhythm is created, it gets an `osc` function to create a new AudioContext oscillator. The rhythm's tone parameters get fed in to that oscillator.</p>
<pre>Rhythm = (composition, params) ->
<strong># unpacking params</strong>
{name, min, tendency, presence, tone} = params
<strong># next common beat</strong>
if tendency then commonbeat = tendency.on
beats = []
<strong># for each bar</strong>
for bar in [1..composition.bars]
<strong># next beat</strong>
nextbeat = 1
<strong># for each beat</strong>
for beat in [1..( * (composition.resolution / 4))]
<strong># if next beat on grid is our minimum length</strong>
if nextbeat % beat == 0
nextbeat += composition.resolution * min
<strong># if common, increase potential hit</strong>
if commonbeat && (beat == commonbeat)
<strong># increase potential hit by 20% for tendency beats</strong>
freq = presence * 1.2
<strong># set up next common beat</strong>
commonbeat += tendency.every * composition.resolution
freq = presence
<strong># get our random chance</strong>
chance = Math.random()
<strong># push pos or neg value</strong>
if chance < freq then beats.push 1 else beats.push 0
beats.push false
<strong># return the rhythm</strong> = name = beats
this.tone = tone
this.osc = () ->
return new Oscillator(tone)
return this</pre>
<p>Rhythm output:</p>
<li><strong>name:</strong> the name of the rhythm instrument</li>
<li><strong>beats:</strong> array of zeroes (misses), ones (hits), and falses (below minimum beats).</li>
<li><strong>tone:</strong> orginial tone object</li>
<li><strong>osc: </strong> method()
<li>Generates a new tone-specific Oscillator.</li>
<li>According to the Oscillator spec, you need to create a new oscillator for every note played.</li>
<li>Rhythm.osc() can be called to generate a new oscillator using its unique tone parameters.</li>
<li>Inside of the new Oscillator (below), the play() method plays the oscillator using the tone params</li>
<li>In the loop, when we want to play the rhythm's oscillator, we create a new Oscillator with the .osc() method, then call that new Oscillator's play() method.</li>
<pre>Oscillator = (tone) ->
this.tone = tone = () ->
<strong># capturing current time for play start and stop</strong>
current_time = audio_context.currentTime
<strong># create oscillator </strong>
osc = audio_context.createOscillator()
<strong># set frequency </strong>
osc.frequency.value = this.tone.frequency
<strong># set waveform </strong>
osc.type = this.tone.wave
<strong># connect to context </strong>
osc.connect audio_context.destination
<strong># play it </strong>
<strong># stop after sustain </strong>
osc.stop(current_time + this.tone.sustain)
return this</pre>
<h2>The Loop</h2>
<p>To play the beat, there is a looping function that steps through each rhythm array and plays the rhythms oscillator if there is a value.</p>
<pre>loop_beats = (composition, rhythms) ->
index = 0
<strong># total beat count</strong>
beats = composition.bars * ( * (composition.resolution / 4))
<strong># css width of beat </strong>
beat_width = 100 / beats
<strong># indicator element </strong>
$indicator = $('#indicator')
<strong># single beat instance</strong>
next_beat = () ->
for rhythm in rhythms
<strong># if beat in any rhythm array has value </strong>
if[index] == 1
<strong># new oscillator </strong>
o = rhythm.osc()
<strong># play oscillator</strong>
<strong># remove active class from all beats in previous bar</strong>
$('').removeClass 'active'
<strong># add active class to all beats in this bar</strong>
$('.beat:nth-child(' + (index + 1) + ')').addClass 'active'
<strong># position indicator </strong>
$indicator.css({'left': beat_width * index + '%'})
<strong># update index </strong>
index = (index + 1) % beats
<strong># first call of next beat</strong>
<strong># bpm to ms </strong>
bpm_time = 60000 / composition.bpm
<strong># ms to relative speed (based on resolution) </strong>
time = bpm_time / (composition.resolution / 4)
<strong># set interval for next beat to occur at approriate time</strong>
beat_interval = window.setInterval(next_beat, time)</pre>
<h2>What Ive Learned</h2>
<p>AudioContext and oscillators are really fun. There is so much potential for "auralizing" data.</p>

Random Beat Sequencer (AudioContext Oscillators FTW)

Takes composition data, and data relative to each instrument and generates a random beat sequence.

A Pen by Jake Albaugh on CodePen.


# initiate audio context
audio_context = undefined
(init = (g) ->
# "crossbrowser" audio context.
audio_context = new (g.AudioContext or g.webkitAudioContext)
catch e
console.log "No web audio oscillator support in this browser"
) window
# oscillator prototype
Oscillator = (tone) ->
this.tone = tone = () ->
# capturing current time for play start and stop
current_time = audio_context.currentTime
# create oscillator
osc = audio_context.createOscillator()
# create gain
gn = audio_context.createGain()
# set frequency
osc.frequency.value = this.tone.frequency
# set waveform
osc.type = this.tone.wave
# connect oscillator to gain
osc.connect gn
# connect gain to output
gn.connect audio_context.destination
# set gain amount
gn.gain.value = 0.3
# play it
# stop after sustain
osc.stop(current_time + this.tone.sustain)
return this
# building a rhythm
Rhythm = (composition, params) ->
# unpacking params
{name, min, tendency, presence, tone} = params
# next common beat
if tendency then commonbeat = tendency.on
beats = []
# for each bar
for bar in [1..composition.bars]
# next beat
nextbeat = 1
# for each beat
for beat in [1..( * (composition.resolution / 4))]
# if next beat on grid is our minimum length
if nextbeat % beat == 0
nextbeat += composition.resolution * min
# if common, increase potential hit
if commonbeat && (beat == commonbeat)
# increase potential hit by 20% for tendency beats
freq = presence * 1.2
# set up next common beat
commonbeat += tendency.every * composition.resolution
freq = presence
# get our random chance
chance = Math.random()
# push pos or neg value
if chance < freq then beats.push 1 else beats.push 0
beats.push false
# return the rhythm = name = beats
this.tone = tone
this.osc = () ->
return new Oscillator(tone)
# console.log this
return this
# beat interval for clearing later
beat_interval = undefined
# loop beats
loop_beats = (composition, rhythms) ->
index = 0
# total beat count
beats = composition.bars * ( * (composition.resolution / 4))
# css width of beat
beat_width = 100 / beats
# indicator element
$indicator = $('#indicator')
# single beat instance
next_beat = () ->
for rhythm in rhythms
# if beat in any rhythm array has value
if[index] == 1
# new oscillator
o = rhythm.osc()
# play oscillator
# remove active class from all beats in previous bar
$('').removeClass 'active'
# add active class to all beats in this bar
$('.beat:nth-child(' + (index + 1) + ')').addClass 'active'
# position indicator
$indicator.css({'left': beat_width * index + '%'})
# update index
index = (index + 1) % beats
# first call of next beat
# bpm to ms
bpm_time = 60000 / composition.bpm
# ms to relative speed (based on resolution)
time = bpm_time / (composition.resolution / 4)
# set interval for next beat to occur at approriate time
beat_interval = window.setInterval(next_beat, time)
# metronome oscillator (unfinished)
quarters = 1
if (index + 1) % 4 == 0
if (quarters - 1) % == 0 || quarters == 1
frequency = 3200
frequency = 3000
frequency = 3000
metronome = new Oscillator({frequency: frequency, sustain: 0.025, wave: 'sine'})
if (index + 1) % 4 == 0
# draw beat in dom
draw_beat = (comp, rhythms) ->
# total beat count
beats = composition.bars * ( * (composition.resolution / 4))
# css beat width
beat_width = 100 / beats + '%'
# indicator
$indicator = $('#indicator')
# set indicator width
$indicator.css({'width': beat_width})
# main timeline
header_beats = ''
header_label = comp.bpm + ' bpm ' + + '/4'
for bar in [1..comp.bars]
start = 1
beat = 1
for resolution in [1..( * (comp.resolution / 4))]
if resolution == start
x = beat
start += (comp.resolution / 4)
else if (resolution - 1) % ((comp.resolution / 4) / 2) == 0
x = '+'
else if (resolution - 1) % ((comp.resolution / 4) / 4) == 0
x = ''
x = ' '
header_beats += ('<span class="beat" symbol="' + x + '" style="width: ' + beat_width + '"></span>')
# for each instrument
instruments = ''
for rhythm in rhythms
instruments += '<div class="rhythm"><div class="pattern"><div class="bar"><div class="beats">'
beat_i = 1
for beat in
if beat == 0 || beat == false
c = ''
c = 'hit'
instruments += '<span symbol="•" class="beat ' + c + '" style="width: ' + beat_width + '"></span>'
instruments += '</div></div></div><div class="label">' + + '</div></div>'
$('#composition .header .beats').html(header_beats)
$('#composition .header .label').html(header_label)
$('#composition .rhythms').html(instruments)
# beat components
composition = undefined
kick = undefined
snare = undefined
hats = undefined
# composition-level parameters
composition_params = {
bars: 2 # bars to generate
beats: 4 # beats per bar
resolution: 16 # beat resolution
bpm: 120 # beats per minute
kick_params = {
name: 'kick' # name of instrument
min: 1 / 8 # minimum beat (in this case every eighth note)
tendency: {on: 1, every: 1/2} # tends to be on a half note, starting on 1 so every 1 and 3
presence: 0.3 # 30% chance of appearing on every min (increased on tendency)
tone: {frequency: 60, sustain: 0.2, wave: 'square'} # oscillator freq, sustain, and waveform
snare_params = {
name: 'snare'
min: 1 / 8
tendency: {on: 2, every: 1/4}
presence: 0.2
tone: {frequency: 300, sustain: 0.08, wave: 'triangle'}
hats_params = {
name: 'hats'
min: 1 / 16
tendency: {on: 2, every: 1/8}
presence: 0.3
tone: {frequency: 1000, sustain: 0.025, wave: 'triangle'}
# setting the beat
set_beat = () ->
composition = composition_params
kick = new Rhythm(composition, kick_params)
snare = new Rhythm(composition, snare_params)
hats = new Rhythm(composition, hats_params)
draw_beat(composition, [kick,snare,hats])
stop_beat = () ->
# control handlers
playing = false
play_handler = (p) ->
if p == true
loop_beats(composition, [kick, snare, hats])
playing = p
new_handler = () ->
kick = new Rhythm(composition, kick_params)
snare = new Rhythm(composition, snare_params)
hats = new Rhythm(composition, hats_params)
draw_beat(composition, [kick,snare,hats])
$('#play').click () ->
$(this).toggleClass 'playing'
$('#new').toggleClass 'inactive'
$('#new').click () ->
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