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Last active July 25, 2021 07:10
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Value-based dispatch in Julia language
module ValueBasedDispatch
export MyType, A, B, C, f
abstract type MyType end
struct A <: MyType end
struct B <: MyType end
struct C <: MyType end
f(::Type{A}) = "Dispatch on argument A"
f(::Type{B}) = "Dispatch on argument B"
f(t::Type{T}) where T <:MyType = throw(DomainError("$(t)"))

We can dispatch on the value types.

julia> f(A)
"Dispatch on argument A"
julia> f(B)
"Dispatch on argument B"
julia> f(C)
ERROR: DomainError with C:

Third-party code can extend MyType with new type D.

using ValueBasedDispatch

struct D <: MyType end
f(D) = "Dispatch on argument D"
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