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Last active January 15, 2025 13:21
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  • Save jabbink/8bfa44bdfc535d696b340c46d228fdd1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jabbink/8bfa44bdfc535d696b340c46d228fdd1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Interact with the Albert Heijn mobile app API to retrieve receipt data, and other things


Always use User-Agent: Appie/8.22.3 and Content-Type: application/json
Technically there is more information about your device and user ID after it, but the server does not seem to care


If you have a valid access_token, add it as a header in request
Authorization: Bearer access_token

Get token

Anonymous token

Get a token:

  "clientId": "appie"


  "access_token": "USERID_ACCESSTOKEN",
  "refresh_token": "REFRESHTOKEN",
  "expires_in": 7199

User specific token

Sign in via browser (set User-Agent)
Login, page should reply with 303 See Other and something like Location: appie://login-exit?code=CODE

Take CODE and


  "clientId": "appie",
  "code": "CODE"


  "access_token": "USERID_ACCESSTOKEN",
  "refresh_token": "REFRESHTOKEN",
  "expires_in": 7199

Refresh token


  "clientId": "appie",
  "refreshToken": "REFRESHTOKEN"


  "access_token": "USERID_ACCESSTOKEN",
  "refresh_token": "REFRESHTOKEN",
  "expires_in": 7199

Find products

See reply example in search.json

Get receipts (signed in)

See reply example in receipts.json

Get specific receipt (signed in)

See reply example in receipt.json

If you want to use this to crossmatch transactions from your bank statement, look for the text in "first": "Authorization code" (and for old receipts it's "third":"Autorisatiecode")

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"mainCategory": "Frisdrank, sappen, koffie, thee",
"subCategory": "Ice tea koolzuurvrij (pakken)",
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"descriptionHighlights": "<p>Fris en licht, laag in suiker met Lipton ice tea green original.</p><p><ul><li>Fris en licht, laag in suiker met Lipton ice tea green original</li><li>Heerlijk verfrissende, koolzuurvrije ijsthee, laag in suiker</li><li>Deze frisdrank is het lekkerst om ijskoud en samen met vrienden te drinken</li><li>Alle Lipton ice tea is 100% rainforest alliance gecertificeerd</li></ul></p>",
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"descriptionFull": "Lipton ice tea green original is een heerlijk verfrissende drank met de lichte smaak van groene thee: dat heb je soms gewoon even nodig! De groene ijsthee is koolzuurvrij. Lipton ice tea green is laag in suiker en daardoor de perfecte verfrissing voor tussendoor. Het maken van Lipton ice tea begint natuurlijk bij de thee. De green variant is gemaakt op basis van groene thee-extracten. Fris en licht, laag in suiker met Lipton ice tea green. Lipton gebruikt 100% rainforest alliance gecertificeerde thee. Dit houdt in dat alle thee die wij gebruiken, afkomstig is van theeplantages waar wordt gewerkt met oog voor mens en milieu. Vanaf 2020 zijn alle 1,5 liter pakken van Lipton gemaakt van volledig recyclebaar materiaal. Onze pakken zijn namelijk ingekocht van 95% plantaardig materiaal en 5% gecertificeerd aluminium op basis van mass balance. Hiermee dragen wij bij aan de vermindering van de co2 uitstoot. Gooi deze verpakking inclusief de dop op de juiste Manier weg! Al meer dan 25 jaar zorgt Lipton ice tea voor verfrissing op de meest gezellige plekken van Nederland: op een zonnig terrasje, een zomers festival of gewoon bij jou thuis in de woonkamer.",
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ojkaas commented Feb 15, 2023

Hi, thanks for the research! I am able to pull my grocery list items but when I try to search using: GET with a valid token.

I get the following back:
"status": 500,
"message": "Can not find application: 'null'",
"correlationId": "valid-uuid",
"timestamp": 1676460044.498667677

Any idea why it is not working for me?

Copy link

jabbink commented Mar 1, 2023

Are you using the custom user agent all the way through, and not just for the token retrieval @ojkaas ?

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coduinix commented Mar 4, 2023

Great instructions on how to "login" 👌

Maybe another interesting resource to look at, some reverse-engineered OpenAPI specification of parts of the AH API:

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If you get the "Can not find application: 'null'" error add another header:

X-Application: AHWEBSHOP

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This is really cool! I was thinking of creating a dashboard of sorts to see how much money I spend on products from my receipts. I am curious though, is usage of this api allowed by the terms of service?

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PimDoos commented Oct 31, 2023

I am curious though, is usage of this api allowed by the terms of service?

The ToS specify that you cannot 'network' the AH App and don't reverse engineer it. Although a bit vague, it sounds like a no to me. Which is a shame, as I would love to integrate this into a python library for Home Assistant.

U mag de AH app niet distribueren en/of beschikbaar stellen op welke wijze dan ook en u mag de AH app niet aansluiten op een netwerk waardoor andere apparaten van de AH app gebruik zouden kunnen maken. U mag de AH app niet deassembleren, decompileren of onderwerpen aan reverse engineering.

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Could this be used to extract product data from Albert Heijn app? Or would that be against the terms of service? Everything is so vague

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jabbink commented Dec 11, 2023

You can probably scrape out the entire product catalog, but that is against their terms of service.

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You can probably scrape out the entire product catalog, but that is against their terms of service.

I see. But scraping isn't what i'm after. I'm looking for live data, but that's probably not possible.

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Is there a way to get the 'Voedingswaarden' from the api?

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How do you get your grocery list? (Mijn lijst) Searching works but I'd like to see my current list.

Also, is it possible to search by barcode? Want to integrate with Grocy.

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Anyone here knows how to retrieve a AH product with all its information with the bar code? This one 5410013116646 is the code from SPA sparkling water. Would like to get all product details of it using iOS shortcuts and the bar code scan step.

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jabbink commented Apr 11, 2024


Also, is it possible to search by barcode? Want to integrate with Grocy.

GET[BARCODE] searches products based on the GTIN/barcode

Some information might be hidden behind their own webshopId (returned by the GTIN search) and can be queried here: GET


Is there a way to get the 'Voedingswaarden' from the api?

the search by webshopId returns nutrients

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Anyone know how to search per category or sub category ID?

Querying for a specific product does return an ID but it's not clear yet how you could list products of one specific category as you do on the site.

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jabbink commented Apr 13, 2024


Categories: GET

Sub categories: GET (this one is for "Aardappel, groente, fruit")

Sub category with products:

GET (has many potato products)
GET Searches on the category ID and directly returns the potato products

I tried this search query with 6401 as well (the app does not show it as having products), and it still works, returning a bunch of potato/vegetable/fruit options)

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Thanks! I'm attempting to drill down as much as possible into the sub-categories to reduce the amount of products that need to be checked per page. I've noticed that iterating on pages where you've set the page size to 1000 products will return a 400 error at around the 3rd page, smaller page sizes also seem to return a 400 error around that same page count. I'm assuming this is a limitation of the API but please correct me if I'm wrong here.

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Is there a way to add items to the basket? I tried with the website API, but of course that's restricted:

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer 61852100_2e62-4bcb-b9a4-xxx' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'User-Agent: Appie/8.22.3' \
  --header 'X-Application: AHWEBSHOP' \
  --data '{"items":[{"quantity":1,"id":450534}]}'

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jabbink commented Apr 17, 2024


Is there a way to add items to the basket?

curl --request PATCH --url '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' -H 'X-Application: AHWEBSHOP' -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' -H 'User-Agent: Appie/8.63 Android/12-API31' --data '{"items":[{"originCode":"PRD","productId":450534,"quantity":1,"type":"SHOPPABLE"}]}'

Leaving out either originCode or type will result in some generic error response.

position may be optionally specified to change the ordering. Similarly, there is strikeThrough true/false to have it checked off

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Eef89 commented Jun 26, 2024

Is there a way to do this for the Belgian AH as well?
I changed "nl" into ".be" in the. this does not work, while they are using same productcode..
see "" and "". Exact same product, same productcode but total different price! Thanks in advance

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klaaskox commented Jun 29, 2024

I am looking for a solution for the belgium version as well.

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Eef89 commented Jun 29, 2024

Is there a way to do this for the Belgian AH as well? I changed "nl" into ".be" in the. this does not work, while they are using same productcode.. see "" and "". Exact same product, same productcode but total different price! Thanks in advance

Found it: use "x-application": "AHBEWEBSHOP" in header

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I have a problem with getting the user token, when I do it on windows it seems to hang for a while and then says Kon de captcha controle niet laden. Probeer het later opnieuw. And when I do it on linux it does try to redirect, but sees the appie://login-exit?code=CODE and tries to find an application to handle the appie scheme.

I am using Firefox if that matters.
I have set the User-Agent to Appie/8.22.3

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Nvm it does seem to work on linux, I thought that the part of the message that was visible on the window where it says that it cannot find an application might not contain the full code, but apparently I just can't type.

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david32 commented Nov 1, 2024

The advice to use linux was very helpful!
I managed to get the code using a linux machine but I still get the same error when trying to get the token:
{"timestamp":"2024-11-01T08:58:39.048+00:00","status":415,"error":"Unsupported Media Type","message":"Content-Type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' is not supported.","path":"/v1/auth/token"}

What am I missing? I use python and the requests library and pass "clientID" and the code in the data fields...

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vermi321 commented Nov 1, 2024

@david32 add a Content-Type: application/json header

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vermi321 commented Nov 1, 2024

Related repo with additional endpoints + some jumbo stuff:

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david32 commented Nov 2, 2024

@david32 add a Content-Type: application/json header

Thanks! I'm ashamed I've missed that. All works well.
I'm a bit disappointed that the reciepts don't have a barcode of the product or something (to find the exact item and run some analysis), but thats AHs fault.

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quintwinthagen commented Nov 6, 2024

I am having trouble with retrieving an access token. On /anonymous it does seem to work, but the user specific access token url does not work. Retrieving the code from "" does work out, but the request returns some error. I am using Postman:
curl --location ''
--header 'User-Agent: Appie/8.22.3'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data '{
"clientId": "appie",
"code": "CODE"

(With CODE replaced with the code of course)

This is the response I get:


    <TITLE>Invalid URL</TITLE>

    <H1>Invalid URL</H1>
    The requested URL "http&#58;&#47;&#47;&#37;5bNo&#37;20Host&#37;5d&#47;mobile&#45;auth&#47;v1&#47;auth&#47;token", is


Am I overlooking something?

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cthulu commented Dec 12, 2024

Is it possible to add an item to "Mijn lijst" as a pure text? Instead of adding it with productId. I always add things to my Keep list, like 'bread' but I don't want to add a specific bread brand, just a text.

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Is it possible to search for only the products that are in “bonus”?

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