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partiallyblind /
Created July 22, 2015 11:16
Mr Booth asked for a list of recommendations for things to do in Copenhagen. Here you go:

Things I like to do while visiting Copenhagen

dougireton /
Last active January 11, 2020 22:52
I've started responding to recruiters with this list of requirements

Company Requirements

I'm definitely not looking for work. However to provide some helpful guidance for hiring like-minded engineers, I would only consider working for a company if it met these requirements:

  1. Fewer than 250 employees.
  2. Concrete, measurable plan to increase the number of women and minorities in engineering roles.
  3. Commitment to using and contributing to open source.
  4. Collaborative, friendly atmosphere where pair programming is encouraged.
  5. Meaningful work with clear linkage between work and company goals.
  6. Demonstrated commitment to ethical business practices, e.g. B corp certification.
package main
import (
_ "net/http/pprof"
philandstuff /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
scale-summit 2014

Scale Summit 2014

Intro, MBS

ideas for sessions

  • bootstrapping environments (without object stores)
  • service discovery
  • removing spofs
jtopper / gist:8588263
Last active December 29, 2024 17:29
Add a new disk to a VMWare vagrant box
config.vm.provider :vmware_fusion do |vm|
vdiskmanager = '/Applications/VMware\'
dir = "#{ENV['HOME']}/vagrant-additional-disk"
unless dir )
Dir.mkdir dir

Accept no meetings days

I operate a policy of having days in which I try hard to not have meetings. If you're reading this, chances are you've looked at my calendar and are wondering what kind of meeting takes all day and happens so frequently. It's not an actual meeting, it is a reservation of the day.

When you're operating on the maker's schedule, meetings are a disaster. A single meeting can blow a whole afternoon, by breaking it into two pieces each too small to do anything hard in.

Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule by Paul Graham

If you still need to book a meeting with me on a reserved day, go ahead. I'll accept it if I think it's more important than having time for coding and thinking and solving hard problems.

richardjpope / gist:4452689
Last active December 10, 2015 15:09
Oyster Card backup script for Vault
# This is a very basic script to backup oyster card data to a scraperwiki vault
# Notes:
# 1) You need an oyster card that has been registered on
# 2) This script requires you to enter your username and password (this about what that means before progressing, and do so at your own risk)
# 3) This script should be run in a PRIVATE SCRAPERWIKI VAULT ONLY not a public scraper, or the world will know your password
import scraperwiki
import mechanize
import lxml.html
from lxml.etree import tostring
npryce / merge-to-subdir
Last active February 22, 2024 17:23
Merge history from one Git repository as the history of a subdirectory of another Git repository
# Usage: merge-to-subdir source-repo destination-repo subdir
# Merges the history of source-repo into destination-repo as the
# history of the subdirectory subdir.
# source-repo can be local or remote.
# destination-repo must be local to the machine.
# subdir can be a relative path, in which case intermediate
npryce /
Last active July 29, 2024 08:38
Property-Based Testing Tools

If you're coming to the Property-Based TDD As If You Meant It Workshop, you will need to bring a laptop with your favourite programming environment, a property-based testing library and, depending on the language, a test framework to run the property-based-tests.

Any other languages or suggestions? Comment below.

.NET (C#, F#, VB)


mattb / gist:3888345
Created October 14, 2012 11:53
Some pointers for Natural Language Processing / Machine Learning

Here are the areas I've been researching, some things I've read and some open source packages...

Nearly all text processing starts by transforming text into vectors:

Often it uses transforms such as TFIDF to normalise the data and control for outliers (words that are too frequent or too rare confuse the algorithms):

Collocations is a technique to detect when two or more words occur more commonly together than separately (e.g. "wishy-washy" in English) - I use this to group words into n-gram tokens because many NLP techniques consider each word as if it's independent of all the others in a document, ignoring order: