I asked the following on Twitter the other day:
Thoughts, anyone? "Seems like there are a million ways to do retina sprites with Compass. What's the best way? #sass #compass" tweet
Specifically, what I wanted to do was to reference an icon once, like so:
.selector { @include the-sprite('once'); }`
And get:
.selector { // The regular icon. } @media ( the retina query ) { .selector { // The retina version. } }
To my surprise I got a couple of really helpful replies. Both @Snugug and @krisbulman sent some code my way that does just what I'm looking for. Thanks guys!! ♥
- @Snugug has some pretty cool stuff in his Toolkit project and actually coded in support for retina icons today! Check it out here: https://github.com/Snugug/toolkit
- @krisbulman also coded up some awesomeness just for this: https://github.com/krisbulman/retina-sprite-mapper.
Both of these scripts are incredibly useful and one may suit your use case better than the other, so I encourage you to check them both out.