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Last active May 2, 2016 20:29
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{# Core Classes #}
set classes = [
has_parent ? 'js-form-wrapper',
has_parent ? 'form-wrapper',
{# Map #type to theme component #}
set map = {
'more_link': 'btn',
{% set remove_classes = [] %}
{% set add_classes = [] %}
{% for key,value in map %}
{# Prefer component classes instead of defaults when a match is present, e.g.
- Add: .btn btn--more-link
- Remove: .more-link
{% if element['#type'] == key %}
{# Add component classes. #}
{% set add_classes = [
value ~ '--' ~ key|clean_class,
] %}
{# Remove the original base #type class. #}
{% set remove_classes = [ key|clean_class ] %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}
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