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Created January 16, 2016 21:05
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Benchmark for various ways of representing C structs in CHICKEN Scheme
Benchmark for various ways of representing C structs in CHICKEN
Scheme. Compile with different flags to switch the representation.
Allocate memory in non-managed memory:
csc -D use-alloc -O3 -profile ./benchmark-float.scm
./benchmark-float 2> profile-alloc.txt
chicken-profile -sort-by-name >> profile-alloc.txt
Create blobs in managed memory:
csc -D use-blobs -O3 -profile ./benchmark-float.scm
./benchmark-float 2> profile-blobs.txt
chicken-profile -sort-by-name >> profile-blobs.txt
Create blobs in managed memory, with locatives:
csc -D use-blob-locatives -O3 -profile ./benchmark-float.scm
./benchmark-float 2> profile-blob-locatives.txt
chicken-profile -sort-by-name >> profile-blob-locatives.txt
Create SRFI-4 numeric vectors:
csc -D use-srfi-4 -O3 -profile ./benchmark-float.scm
./benchmark-float 2> profile-srfi-4.txt
chicken-profile -sort-by-name >> profile-srfi-4.txt
(import foreign)
(use lolevel srfi-4 miscmacros)
#include "math.h"
typedef struct My_Point {
float x, y;
} My_Point;
float my_point_mag(My_Point* pt) {
return sqrt(pt->x * pt->x + pt->y * pt->y);
(define-record-type point
(wrap-point data)
(data point-data point-data-set!))
(define (alloc-point)
(wrap-point (allocate (foreign-type-size "My_Point")))
(wrap-point (make-blob (foreign-type-size "My_Point"))))
(wrap-point (make-locative (make-blob (foreign-type-size "My_Point")))))
(wrap-point (make-f32vector 2)))))
(define (free-point! pt)
(free (point-data pt))
(point-data-set! pt #f)))
((or use-alloc use-blob-locatives)
(define-foreign-type My_Point*
(c-pointer "My_Point")
(define-foreign-type My_Point*
(define-foreign-type My_Point*
((or use-alloc use-blob-locatives)
(define point-x (foreign-lambda* float ((My_Point* obj)) "C_return(obj->x);"))
(define point-x-set! (foreign-lambda* void ((My_Point* obj) (float value)) "obj->x = value;"))
(define point-y (foreign-lambda* float ((My_Point* obj)) "C_return( obj->y );"))
(define point-y-set! (foreign-lambda* void ((My_Point* obj) (float value)) "obj->y = value;")))
(define point-x (foreign-lambda* float ((My_Point* obj)) "C_return( ((My_Point*)obj)->x );"))
(define point-x-set! (foreign-lambda* void ((My_Point* obj) (float value)) "((My_Point*)obj)->x = value;"))
(define point-y (foreign-lambda* float ((My_Point* obj)) "C_return( ((My_Point*)obj)->y );"))
(define point-y-set! (foreign-lambda* void ((My_Point* obj) (float value)) "((My_Point*)obj)->y = value;")))
(define (point-x pt) (f32vector-ref (point-data pt) 0))
(define (point-x-set! pt value) (f32vector-set! (point-data pt) 0 value))
(define (point-y pt) (f32vector-ref (point-data pt) 1))
(define (point-y-set! pt value) (f32vector-set! (point-data pt) 1 value))))
((or use-alloc use-blob-locatives)
(define my_point_mag
(foreign-lambda float my_point_mag My_Point*)))
((or use-blobs use-srfi-4)
(define my_point_mag
(foreign-lambda* float ((My_Point* p))
"C_return( my_point_mag( (My_Point*)p ) );"))))
(define (bench)
(dotimes (_ (expt 10 6))
(let ((pt1 (alloc-point))
(pt2 (alloc-point)))
(point-x-set! pt1 -1.5)
(point-y-set! pt1 2)
(point-x-set! pt2 (* 2 (point-x pt1)))
(point-y-set! pt2 (* 2 (point-y pt1)))
(assert (< 4.99 (my_point_mag pt2) 5.01))))
(gc #t))
(time (bench))
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