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September 30, 2015 15:04
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Check Browser Support
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
var checkSupport = function checkSupport(el) { | |
if (!(el in { | |
document.body.className+= ' NoSupport-' + el; | |
}; | |
}; | |
var test = checkSupport('backgroundSize'); | |
/* | |
--- | |
alignContent | |
alignItems | |
alignSelf | |
alignmentBaseline | |
all | |
animation | |
animationDelay | |
animationDirection | |
animationDuration | |
animationFillMode | |
animationIterationCount | |
animationName | |
animationPlayState | |
animationTimingFunction | |
backfaceVisibility | |
background | |
backgroundAttachment | |
backgroundBlendMode | |
backgroundClip | |
backgroundColor | |
backgroundImage | |
backgroundOrigin | |
backgroundPosition | |
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backgroundPositionY | |
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backgroundRepeatY | |
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baselineShift | |
border | |
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borderBottomLeftRadius | |
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borderImage | |
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boxShadow | |
boxSizing | |
bufferedRendering | |
captionSide | |
clear | |
clip | |
clipPath | |
clipRule | |
color | |
colorInterpolation | |
colorInterpolationFilters | |
colorRendering | |
content | |
counterIncrement | |
counterReset | |
cursor | |
cx | |
cy | |
direction | |
display | |
dominantBaseline | |
emptyCells | |
enableBackground | |
fill | |
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fillRule | |
filter | |
flex | |
flexBasis | |
flexDirection | |
flexFlow | |
flexGrow | |
flexShrink | |
flexWrap | |
float | |
floodColor | |
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fontFamily | |
fontKerning | |
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fontStretch | |
fontStyle | |
fontVariant | |
fontVariantLigatures | |
fontWeight | |
glyphOrientationHorizontal | |
glyphOrientationVertical | |
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imageRendering | |
isolation | |
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letterSpacing | |
lightingColor | |
lineHeight | |
listStyle | |
listStyleImage | |
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listStyleType | |
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marker | |
markerEnd | |
markerMid | |
markerStart | |
mask | |
maskType | |
maxHeight | |
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minHeight | |
minWidth | |
minZoom | |
mixBlendMode | |
objectFit | |
objectPosition | |
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order | |
orientation | |
orphans | |
outline | |
outlineColor | |
outlineOffset | |
outlineStyle | |
outlineWidth | |
overflow | |
overflowWrap | |
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overflowY | |
padding | |
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paddingRight | |
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page | |
pageBreakAfter | |
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paintOrder | |
perspective | |
perspectiveOrigin | |
pointerEvents | |
position | |
quotes | |
r | |
resize | |
right | |
rx | |
ry | |
shapeImageThreshold | |
shapeMargin | |
shapeOutside | |
shapeRendering | |
size | |
speak | |
src | |
stopColor | |
stopOpacity | |
stroke | |
strokeDasharray | |
strokeDashoffset | |
strokeLinecap | |
strokeLinejoin | |
strokeMiterlimit | |
strokeOpacity | |
strokeWidth | |
tabSize | |
tableLayout | |
textAlign | |
textAnchor | |
textDecoration | |
textIndent | |
textOverflow | |
textRendering | |
textShadow | |
textTransform | |
top | |
touchAction | |
transform | |
transformOrigin | |
transformStyle | |
transition | |
transitionDelay | |
transitionDuration | |
transitionProperty | |
transitionTimingFunction | |
unicodeBidi | |
unicodeRange | |
userZoom | |
vectorEffect | |
verticalAlign | |
visibility | |
webkitAppRegion | |
webkitAppearance | |
webkitBackgroundClip | |
webkitBackgroundComposite | |
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webkitBorderAfter | |
webkitBorderAfterColor | |
webkitBorderAfterStyle | |
webkitBorderAfterWidth | |
webkitBorderBefore | |
webkitBorderBeforeColor | |
webkitBorderBeforeStyle | |
webkitBorderBeforeWidth | |
webkitBorderEnd | |
webkitBorderEndColor | |
webkitBorderEndStyle | |
webkitBorderEndWidth | |
webkitBorderHorizontalSpacing | |
webkitBorderImage | |
webkitBorderStart | |
webkitBorderStartColor | |
webkitBorderStartStyle | |
webkitBorderStartWidth | |
webkitBorderVerticalSpacing | |
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webkitBoxDecorationBreak | |
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webkitBoxFlexGroup | |
webkitBoxLines | |
webkitBoxOrdinalGroup | |
webkitBoxOrient | |
webkitBoxPack | |
webkitBoxReflect | |
webkitClipPath | |
webkitColumnBreakAfter | |
webkitColumnBreakBefore | |
webkitColumnBreakInside | |
webkitColumnCount | |
webkitColumnGap | |
webkitColumnRule | |
webkitColumnRuleColor | |
webkitColumnRuleStyle | |
webkitColumnRuleWidth | |
webkitColumnSpan | |
webkitColumnWidth | |
webkitColumns | |
webkitFilter | |
webkitFontFeatureSettings | |
webkitFontSizeDelta | |
webkitFontSmoothing | |
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webkitHyphenateCharacter | |
webkitLineBoxContain | |
webkitLineBreak | |
webkitLineClamp | |
webkitLocale | |
webkitLogicalHeight | |
webkitLogicalWidth | |
webkitMarginAfter | |
webkitMarginAfterCollapse | |
webkitMarginBefore | |
webkitMarginBeforeCollapse | |
webkitMarginBottomCollapse | |
webkitMarginCollapse | |
webkitMarginEnd | |
webkitMarginStart | |
webkitMarginTopCollapse | |
webkitMask | |
webkitMaskBoxImage | |
webkitMaskBoxImageOutset | |
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webkitMaskBoxImageSlice | |
webkitMaskBoxImageSource | |
webkitMaskBoxImageWidth | |
webkitMaskClip | |
webkitMaskComposite | |
webkitMaskImage | |
webkitMaskOrigin | |
webkitMaskPosition | |
webkitMaskPositionX | |
webkitMaskPositionY | |
webkitMaskRepeat | |
webkitMaskRepeatX | |
webkitMaskRepeatY | |
webkitMaskSize | |
webkitMaxLogicalHeight | |
webkitMaxLogicalWidth | |
webkitMinLogicalHeight | |
webkitMinLogicalWidth | |
webkitPaddingAfter | |
webkitPaddingBefore | |
webkitPaddingEnd | |
webkitPaddingStart | |
webkitPerspectiveOriginX | |
webkitPerspectiveOriginY | |
webkitPrintColorAdjust | |
webkitRtlOrdering | |
webkitRubyPosition | |
webkitTapHighlightColor | |
webkitTextCombine | |
webkitTextDecorationsInEffect | |
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webkitTextEmphasisColor | |
webkitTextEmphasisPosition | |
webkitTextEmphasisStyle | |
webkitTextFillColor | |
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webkitTextSecurity | |
webkitTextStroke | |
webkitTextStrokeColor | |
webkitTextStrokeWidth | |
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webkitTransformOriginY | |
webkitTransformOriginZ | |
webkitUserDrag | |
webkitUserModify | |
webkitUserSelect | |
webkitWritingMode | |
whiteSpace | |
widows | |
width | |
willChange | |
wordBreak | |
wordSpacing | |
wordWrap | |
writingMode | |
x | |
y | |
zIndex | |
zoom | |
cssText | |
length | |
parentRule | |
*/ |
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