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Last active November 3, 2021 18:33
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Elixir Faye Websocket client example, heartbeat and subscription
defmodule Tuna.Client.FayeWebsocket do
import Tuna.Ewhine
require Logger
import Tuna.Ewhine
use Maxwell.Builder, ~w(get post)a
adapter Maxwell.Adapter.Ibrowse
middleware Maxwell.Middleware.BaseUrl, endpoint
middleware Maxwell.Middleware.Headers, %{
"Content-Type" => "application/json",
# "User-Agent" => "Subway",
# "Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
middleware Maxwell.Middleware.Opts, [connect_timeout: 5000, recv_timeout: 10000]
middleware Maxwell.Middleware.Json
def connect_socket(client_id, account_channel) do
socket = Socket.Web.connect! faye, path: "/comet"
send_heart_beat(socket, client_id, 2)
connect_socket(socket, client_id, 1, account_channel)
# "account_channel" => "/u/--Q1DTWcRLbX856MJen59Q"
def connect_socket(socket, client_id, id, account_channel, second \\ 0) do
case socket |> Socket.Web.recv! do
{:text, data} ->
Logger.debug data
data = data
|> Poison.decode!
|> List.last
case data do
%{"id" => id_new} ->
id_new = String.to_integer(id_new)
id = if id_new > id, do: id_new, else: id
case id_new do
2 ->
subscribe(socket, client_id, "#{account_channel}/messages", id + 1)
3 ->
subscribe(socket, client_id, "#{account_channel}", id + 1)
4 ->
send_heart_beat(socket, client_id, id + 1)
_ ->
send_heart_beat(socket, client_id, id + 1)
_ ->
id = 0
socket |> Socket.Web.send!({:ping, ""})
{:pong, _ } ->
Logger.debug "pong from server"
{:ping, _ } ->
Logger.debug "ping from server"
socket |> Socket.Web.send!({:pong, ""})
{:close, :normal, ""} ->
id = 0
{:close, :abnormal, nil} ->
id = 0
connect_socket(socket, client_id, id, account_channel, second + 1)
def connect_socket(socket, client_id, 0, _account_channel, _second) do
Logger.debug "quit"
def send_heart_beat(socket, client_id, id) do
str =
"channel": "/meta/connect",
"clientId": "#{client_id}",
"connectionType": "websocket",
"id": "#{id}",
"accountId": 666,
"clientType": 0
Socket.Web.send!(socket, {:text, str})
def subscribe(socket, client_id, subscription, id) do
str =
"channel": "/meta/subscribe",
"clientId": "#{client_id}",
"subscription": "#{subscription}",
"id": "#{id}",
"accountId": 666,
"clientType": 0
Socket.Web.send!(socket, {:text, str})
def hand_shake do
params = """
"channel": "/meta/handshake",
"version": "1.0",
"supportedConnectionTypes": [
"id": "1",
"accountId": 666,
"clientType": 0
""" |> Poison.decode!
{:ok, client_id} = new
|> put_path("/comet")
|> put_req_body(params)
|> post!
|> get_resp_body
|> List.first
|> Map.fetch("clientId")
def test do
resp_body = Tuna.Client.login_resp_body!(%{login_name: "t16", password: "111111"})
%{"user_info" => %{"account_channel" => account_channel}} = resp_body
client_id = Tuna.Client.FayeWebsocket.hand_shake
Tuna.Client.FayeWebsocket.connect_socket(client_id, account_channel)
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What is in the Tuna.eWhine import? This is fantastic, btw!

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