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Created April 15, 2021 00:18
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Pretty printing sequences with indentation and without any delimiters.
#lang racket/base
(require racket/contract/base)
[sequence-markup? predicate/c]
(->* ((sequence/c any/c)) (#:indentation exact-nonnegative-integer?) sequence-markup?)]))
(require racket/pretty
(struct sequence-markup (elements indentation)
#:constructor-name constructor:sequence-markup
#:guard (λ (elements indentation _) (values (sequence->list elements) indentation))
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define/guard (write-proc this out mode)
(define elements (sequence-markup-elements this))
(guard (pretty-printing-with-finite-columns?) else
(custom-write (inline-sequence-markup elements) out mode))
(unless (try-pretty-print-single-line (inline-sequence-markup elements) out mode)
(define multiline
(multiline-sequence-markup elements #:indentation (sequence-markup-indentation this)))
(custom-write multiline out mode)))])
(define (sequence-markup elements #:indentation [indentation 2])
(constructor:sequence-markup elements indentation))
(struct inline-sequence-markup (elements)
#:guard (λ (elements _) (sequence->list elements))
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define (write-proc this out mode)
(for ([element (in-list (inline-sequence-markup-elements this))]
[i (in-naturals)])
(unless (zero? i)
(write-string " " out))
(custom-write element out mode #:recursive? #true)))])
(struct multiline-sequence-markup (elements indentation)
#:constructor-name constructor:multiline-sequence-markup
#:guard (λ (elements indentation _) (values (sequence->list elements) indentation))
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define (write-proc this out mode)
(define leading-indentation-amount
(+ (port-next-column out) (multiline-sequence-markup-indentation this)))
(define leading-spaces (make-string leading-indentation-amount #\space))
(for ([element (in-list (multiline-sequence-markup-elements this))]
[i (in-naturals)])
(unless (zero? i)
(pretty-print-newline out (pretty-print-columns))
(write-string leading-spaces out))
(custom-write element out mode #:recursive? #true)))])
(define (multiline-sequence-markup elements #:indentation [indentation 2])
(constructor:multiline-sequence-markup elements indentation))
(define (pretty-printing-with-finite-columns?)
(and (pretty-printing) (integer? (pretty-print-columns))))
;; Any OutputPort PrintMode -> Boolean
;; Tries to print `v` to the output port on a single line. If `v` takes up more than one line, nothing
;; is printed to `out` and false is returned. If printing succeeds, true is returned.
(define (try-pretty-print-single-line v out mode)
(let/ec escape
(define (on-overflow)
(tentative-pretty-print-port-cancel tentative-port)
;; We have to escape because make-tentative-pretty-print-output-port calls the overflow thunk
;; *each time* the content exceeds the column limit; it doesn't actually *stop* printing. The
;; only way to stop the print operation while inside the overflow thunk is to escape from the
;; thunk with a continuation jump.
(escape #false))
(define tentative-port
(make-tentative-pretty-print-output-port out (pretty-print-columns) on-overflow))
;; If this exceeds the column width, the on-overflow thunk is called which aborts out using the
;; escape continuation.
(custom-write v tentative-port mode)
;; If evaluation reaches this point, printing v did not exceed the column limit and we can commit
;; the tentative port's output, sending it to the original port.
(tentative-pretty-print-port-transfer tentative-port out)
(define (custom-write v out mode #:recursive? [recursive? #false])
(if recursive?
(case mode
[(#t) (write v out)]
[(#f) (display v out)]
[(0 1) (print v out mode)])
((custom-write-accessor v) v out mode)))
(define (port-next-column out)
(define-values (unused-line col unused-pos) (port-next-location out))
(module+ main
(pretty-print (sequence-markup (list "foo" "bar" "baz")))
(list "fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"
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