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Last active March 30, 2016 08:32
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function abcdefghppp(base, width, callback){
var i;
var cnt = 0;
var used1 = new Array(base);
var used2 = new Array(base);
var sp = new Array(width);
var table = new Array(base);
for(i=0; i<base; i++) table[i] = new Array(base);
var tableLen = new Array(base);
var N = (base-2*width-1)*(base-2*width-2);
var va = new Array(N);
var vb = new Array(N);
var br = new Array(N);
// for storing candidate of digits of a and b
var vs = new Array(base-2*width-1);
// EXP[i] = base^i
var EXP = new Array(width);
EXP[0] = 1;
for(i=1; i<width; i++) EXP[i] = base*EXP[i-1];
// value of e
var e = 1;
for(i=0; i<width; i++) e = base*e+1;
// just to make sure b has at least width digits
var MIN=1;
for(i=1; i<width; i++) MIN = MIN*base;
// used-tables helpers
function reset(used){
for(var i=0; i<used.length; i++) used[i] = false;
used[1] = true;
function checkWrite(used, a){
// mutable check
for(var i=width; i--;){
var t = a%base;
if( used[t] ) return false;
used[t] = true;
a = (a-t)/base;
return true;
// return true to break
function generate(w,c){
if( w === width ){
var d = e - c;
if( d < c ) return true; // due to symmetry of c and d
if( checkWrite(used2, c) && checkWrite(used2, d) ) solveAB(c);
return false;
// left-most digit cannot start with zero and one is used
var start = w === 0 ? 2 : 0;
for(var i=start; i<base; i++){
if( used1[i] ) continue;
used1[i] = true;
if( generate(w+1, base*c+i) ) return true;
used1[i] = false;
return false;
function solveAB(c){
var i,j,t;
// possible digits in a and b
for(i=0,j=0; i<used2.length; i++) if( !used2[i] ) vs[j++] = i;
// clear table
for(i=0; i<base; i++) tableLen[i] = 0;
// O( B*B )
for(i=0; i<vs.length; i++){
for(j=i+1; j<vs.length; j++){
var v1 = vs[i], v2 = vs[j];
var i1 = v2-v1, i2 = base+v1-v2;
table[i1][tableLen[i1]++] = t;
va[t] = v2; vb[t] = v1; br[t] = 0;
table[i2][tableLen[i2]++] = t;
va[t] = v1; vb[t] = v2; br[t] = 1;
function diffSearch(i, borrow, a, b){
if( i === width ){
if( a > b && b > MIN ){
var di = sp[i] + borrow;
if( di === base ) return; // this implies that a0 = b0 = 0, so not a solution
var vec = table[di], len = tableLen[di];
for(var j=0; j<len; j++){
var t = vec[j], a0 = va[t], b0 = vb[t];
if( used2[a0] || used2[b0] ) continue;
used2[a0] = used2[b0] = true;
diffSearch(i+1, br[t], a+a0*EXP[i], b+b0*EXP[i]);
used2[a0] = used2[b0] = false;
for(i=0, t=c; i<width; i++, t = Math.floor(t/base) ) sp[i] = t%base;
diffSearch(0, 0, 0, 0);
// due to symmetry of c and d
c = e - c;
for(i=0, t=c; i<width; i++, t = Math.floor(t/base) ) sp[i] = t%base;
diffSearch(0, 0, 0, 0);
return cnt;
var base = 17, width = 4;
console.log('number of solution: ', abcdefghppp(base, width, function(a,b,c,d){
var sa = a.toString(base);
var sb = b.toString(base);
var sc = c.toString(base);
var sd = d.toString(base);
var se = (a-b+d).toString(base);
console.log([sa,'-',sb,'=',sc,', ',sc,'+',sd,'=',se].join(''));
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