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Created September 24, 2019 15:22
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A Sudoku representation and solver, by Jackie Scholl
module Main where
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Debug.Trace (trace)
-- (row, column)
-- custom number type to avoid out of bounds (e.g., 0 or 10) or improper operations
-- (e.g. adding two numbers) doesn't make sense in Sudoku
data Num9 = Z1 | Z2 | Z3 | Z4 | Z5 | Z6 | Z7 | Z8 | Z9 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum)
nums :: [Num9]
nums = [Z1 ..]
intToNum9 :: Int -> Num9
intToNum9 x = nums !! (x - 1)
num9ToInt :: Num9 -> Int
num9ToInt n = maybe 0 (1+) (L.elemIndex n nums)
type NumSet = S.Set Num9
fullSet :: NumSet
fullSet = S.fromList nums
type Location = (Num9, Num9)
-- a Sudoku puzzle is a map from locations on the grid to a list of numbers that
-- could be in that grid square
type Sudoku = M.Map Location NumSet
-- cross multiply two lists
cross :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
cross xs ys = [(x, y) | x <- xs, y <- ys]
allLocs :: [Location]
allLocs = cross nums nums
column :: Num9 -> [Location]
column n = [(x, n) | x <- nums]
-- given a location on the board, get all locations in the same column
reverseColumn :: Location -> [Location]
reverseColumn (_, y) = column y
row :: Num9 -> [Location]
row n = [(n, x) | x <- nums]
-- given a location on the board, get all locations in the same row
reverseRow :: Location -> [Location]
reverseRow (x, _) = row x
-- a box is a 3x3
-- example: box Z1 =
-- [(Z1,Z1),(Z1,Z2),(Z1,Z3),(Z2,Z1),(Z2,Z2),(Z2,Z3),(Z3,Z1),(Z3,Z2),(Z3,Z3)]
box :: Num9 -> [Location]
box n =
let a = [Z1 .. Z3]
b = [Z4 .. Z6]
c = [Z7 .. Z9]
xs = [(Z1, (a, a)), (Z2, (a, b)), (Z3, (a, c)),
(Z4, (b, a)), (Z5, (b, b)), (Z6, (b, c)),
(Z7, (c, a)), (Z8, (c, b)), (Z9, (c, c))]
in cross2 (snd (head (filter (\x -> fst x == n) xs)))
cross2 :: ([a], [a]) -> [(a, a)]
cross2 (xs, ys) = cross xs ys
-- like reverseRow and reverseColumn but for boxes
-- terrible algorithm, fix later
reverseBox :: Location -> [Location]
reverseBox l = head $ filter (L.elem l) $ map box nums
-- all locations that are in the same row, column, or box as the given location
neighbors :: Location -> S.Set Location
neighbors loc =
S.delete loc $ S.fromList $ concat
$ map (\f -> f loc) [reverseRow, reverseColumn, reverseBox]
converge :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
converge = until =<< ((==) =<<)
-- Updates a specific square and performs the necessary changes that result
modifyAndPropogate :: (NumSet -> NumSet) -> Location -> Sudoku -> Sudoku
modifyAndPropogate f l s =
current = s M.! l
changed = f current
s' = M.insert l changed s
in case compare (S.size changed) 1 of
LT -> error "bad puzzle"
GT -> s'
EQ -> if (S.size current /= 1)
then (propogateDelete (S.findMax changed) l s')
else (s')
propogateDelete :: Num9 -> Location -> Sudoku -> Sudoku
propogateDelete n l2 s2 =
foldr (modifyAndPropogate (S.delete n)) s2 (neighbors l2)
setAndPropogate :: Num9 -> Location -> Sudoku -> Sudoku
setAndPropogate n l s = modifyAndPropogate (const $ S.singleton n) l s
-- All transform functions are algorithms that try to narrow a puzzle's possible states
-- to be quite honest, I no longer remember how most of them work
-- I should have commented better when I wrote this
transform2 :: [Location] -> Sudoku -> Sudoku
transform2 ls s =
foldr (uncurry setAndPropogate) s simplified
combined = concat $ map (S.toList . (s M.!)) ls
combinedMap = toOccurrenceMap combined
singles = M.keys $ M.filter (1 ==) combinedMap
listPairs = map (\x -> (x, filter ((S.member x) . (s M.!)) ls)) singles
listPairs' = filter (\x -> (L.length $ snd x) == 1) listPairs
simplified = map (\x -> (fst x, head $ snd x)) listPairs'
numTimesFound x xs = (length . filter (== x)) xs
toOccurrenceMap :: Ord a => [a] -> M.Map a Int
toOccurrenceMap xs = M.fromList $ map (\x -> (x, numTimesFound x xs)) $ L.nub xs
transform2' :: Sudoku -> Sudoku
transform2' s = foldr transform2 s allGroups
transform2'' :: Sudoku -> Sudoku
transform2'' = converge ((flip (foldr transform2) allGroups) . id)
transform3 :: [Location] -> Sudoku -> Sudoku
transform3 ls s =
ls' :: [Location]
ls' = filter (\x -> (S.size $ s M.! x) > 1) ls
pairs = [(s M.! x, s M.! y) | x <- ls', y <- ls', x > y]
filteredPairs = filter ((2 ==) . S.size . uncurry S.union) pairs
s' = s
s'' = foldl (f ls') s' filteredPairs
in s''
f :: [Location] -> Sudoku -> (NumSet, NumSet) -> Sudoku
f ls' s2 (a, _) = foldr (modifyAndPropogate (f2 a)) s2 ls'
f2 :: NumSet -> NumSet -> NumSet
f2 x y | x == y = x
| otherwise = S.difference y x
transform4 :: Int -> [Location] -> Sudoku -> Sudoku
transform4 n ls s =
let ls' :: [Location]
ls' = filter (\x -> (S.size $ s M.! x) > 1) ls
groups = map (map (s M.!)) $ locationSubsets n ls'
filteredGroups = filter ((n ==) . S.size . S.unions) groups
s'' = foldl (f ls') s filteredGroups
in s''
f :: [Location] -> Sudoku -> [NumSet] -> Sudoku
f ls' s2 group = foldr (modifyAndPropogate $ f2 $ S.unions group) s2 ls'
f2 :: NumSet -> NumSet -> NumSet
f2 x y | y `S.isSubsetOf` x = y
| otherwise = S.difference y x
locationSubsets :: Int -> [Location] -> [[Location]]
locationSubsets n' pool = locationSubsets' n' pool []
locationSubsets' :: Int -> [Location] -> [Location] -> [[Location]]
locationSubsets' 0 _ soFar = [soFar]
locationSubsets' n' pool soFar = concat $ map (\x -> locationSubsets' (n'-1) (filter (x<) pool) (x:soFar)) pool
allGroups :: [[Location]]
allGroups = map (\x -> (fst x) (snd x)) $ cross [column, row, box] nums
transform3'' :: Sudoku -> Sudoku
transform3'' = converge (sub . transform2'')
where sub s = (flip (foldr transform3) allGroups) s
transform4'' :: Int -> Sudoku -> Sudoku
transform4'' 1 s = transform2'' s
transform4'' n s = converge ((\x -> foldr (transform4 n) x allGroups) . (transform4'' $ n-1)) s
transformIntersection :: [Location] -> [Location] -> Sudoku -> Sudoku
transformIntersection a b s =
let fullI = S.intersection (S.fromList a) (S.fromList b)
a' = S.filter (\x -> (S.size $ s M.! x) > 1) $ S.fromList a
b' = S.filter (\x -> (S.size $ s M.! x) > 1) $ S.fromList b
i = S.intersection a' b'
ax = S.difference a' i
bx = S.difference b' i
i2 = S.unions $ map (s M.!) $ S.toList i
ax2 = S.unions $ map (s M.!) $ S.toList ax
i2' = S.toList $ S.difference i2 ax2
--s' =
in if (S.size fullI == 3 && S.size i > 0 && L.length i2' > 0)
then (foldr (f $ S.toList bx) s i2')
else (s)
f x n s = foldr (modifyAndPropogate (S.delete n)) s x
--transformIntersection' s = foldr (uncurry transformIntersection) s $ cross allGroups allGroups
transformIntersection'' :: Sudoku -> Sudoku
transformIntersection'' = converge (sub . (transform4'' 6))
sub s = foldr (uncurry transformIntersection) s $ cross allGroups allGroups
checkSolution :: Sudoku -> Bool
checkSolution s = all checkGroupFunc [column, row, box]
checkGroupFunc :: (Num9 -> [Location]) -> Bool
checkGroupFunc f = all checkGroupLocs (map f nums)
checkGroupLocs :: [Location] -> Bool
checkGroupLocs ls = checkGroupSets $ map (s M.!) ls
checkGroupSets :: [NumSet] -> Bool
checkGroupSets xs = nums == (L.sort $ concat $ map S.toList xs)
checkCurrent :: Sudoku -> Bool
checkCurrent s = all checkGroupFunc [column, row, box]
checkGroupFunc :: (Num9 -> [Location]) -> Bool
checkGroupFunc f = all checkGroupLocs (map f nums)
checkGroupLocs :: [Location] -> Bool
checkGroupLocs ls = checkGroupSets $ map (s M.!) ls
checkGroupSets :: [NumSet] -> Bool
checkGroupSets xs =
let individuals = map S.findMax $ filter (\ns -> S.size ns == 1) xs
in (all (\ns -> S.size ns > 0) xs) && (L.length individuals) == (S.size $ S.fromList individuals)
printSudoku :: Sudoku -> String
printSudoku s =
blankLine = "\n______|_______|______\n"
in printTriple [Z1 .. Z3] ++ blankLine
++ printTriple [Z4 .. Z6] ++ blankLine
++ printTriple [Z7 .. Z9] ++ "\n"
++ "Total possibilities: " ++ show possibilities ++ "\n"
++ "Solution? " ++ show (checkSolution s) ++ "\n"
++ "Currently valid? " ++ show (checkCurrent s) ++ "\n"
printTriple :: [Num9] -> String
printTriple rows = foldl (++) "" $ L.intersperse "\n" (helper rows)
helper :: [Num9] -> [String]
helper rows = map (\r -> printRow s r) rows
possibilities = M.foldr (+) 0 $ S.size s
printRow :: Sudoku -> Num9 -> String
printRow s n =
printTriple [Z1 .. Z3] ++ " | " ++ printTriple [Z4 .. Z6] ++ " | " ++ printTriple [Z7 .. Z9]
printTriple :: [Num9] -> String
printTriple cols = foldl (++) "" $ L.intersperse " " (helper cols)
helper :: [Num9] -> [String]
helper cols = map (\c -> printSquare s (n, c)) cols
printSquare :: Sudoku -> Location -> String
printSquare s l =
let res = M.lookup l s
in mapRes res
mapRes :: Maybe NumSet -> String
mapRes (Just x) = printNumSet x
mapRes Nothing = "E"
printNumSet :: NumSet -> String
printNumSet ns | S.size ns == 0 = "X"
| S.size ns == 1 = show $ num9ToInt $ S.findMax ns
| True = " "
blank :: Sudoku
blank = M.fromList [((x, y), fullSet) | x <- nums, y <- nums]
testGrid :: [(Int, Int, Int)]
testGrid = [(1, 2, 4), (1, 3, 5), (1, 5, 1), (1, 7, 7),
(2, 1, 6), (2, 2, 1), (2, 5, 5), (2, 6, 9), (2, 8, 8),
(3, 6, 3), (3, 7, 2), (3, 8, 1),
(4, 1, 5), (4, 2, 2), (4, 9, 9),
(5, 3, 4), (5, 7, 6),
(6, 1, 9), (6, 8, 5), (6, 9, 3),
(7, 2, 9), (7, 3, 6), (7, 4, 5),
(8, 2, 5), (8, 4, 2), (8, 5, 3), (8, 8, 4), (8, 9, 7),
(9, 3, 7), (9, 5, 4), (9, 7, 5), (9, 8, 6)]
{-testGridB :: [(Int, Int, Int)]
testGridB = [(1, 1, 5), (1, 2, 2), (1, 4, 1), (1, 8, 6),
(2, 3, 9), (2, 6, 5), (2, 7, 2), (2, 9, 3),
(3, 8, 4),
(4, 1, 3), (4, 4, 5), (4, 9, 2),
(5, 5, 7),
(6, 1, 2), (6, 6, 8), (6, 9, 4),
(7, 2, 4),
(8, 1, 1), (8, 3, 7), (8, 4, 3), (8, 7, 4),
(9, 2, 9), (9, 6, 6), (9, 8, 3), (9, 9, 1)]-}
{-testGridB :: [(Int, Int, Int)]
testGridB = [(1, 1, 6), (1, 4, 9), (1, 6, 2),
(2, 3, 7), (2, 7, 4),
(3, 1, 1), (3, 9, 6),
(4, 1, 4), (4, 3, 3), (4, 5, 1), (4, 6, 7), (4, 8, 5),
(5, 2, 1), (5, 5, 9), (5, 8, 8),
(6, 2, 6), (6, 4, 3), (6, 5, 5), (6, 7, 1), (6, 9, 4),
(7, 1, 3), (7, 9, 9),
(8, 3, 6), (8, 7, 3),
(9, 4, 7), (9, 6, 9), (9, 9, 5)
testC = "10400000000020000000000050407008000300001090000300400200050100000000806000"
testGridB :: [(Int, Int, Int)]
testGridB = concat $ map (\x -> map (\y -> ((y `div` 9) + 1, (y `mod` 9) + 1, fst x)) $ snd x) $ map (\x -> (x, L.elemIndices (head $ show x) testC)) ([1..9] :: [Int])
transformSimpleInput :: (Int, Int, Int) -> (Location, Num9)
transformSimpleInput (x, y, c) = ((intToNum9 x, intToNum9 y), intToNum9 c)
gridToSudoku :: [(Int, Int, Int)] -> Sudoku
gridToSudoku g = foldl (flip $ uncurry $ flip setAndPropogate) blank (map transformSimpleInput g)
gridToSudoku2 :: [(Int, Int, Int)] -> Sudoku
gridToSudoku2 g = M.union (M.fromList $ map (\x -> (fst x, S.singleton $ snd x)) $ map transformSimpleInput g) blank
testS :: Sudoku
testS = gridToSudoku testGrid
testS7 = transform2'' testS
testBs :: [Sudoku]
testBs =
let testB = gridToSudoku testGridB
in [
gridToSudoku2 testGridB,
transform2'' testB,
transformIntersection'' testB
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ concat $ L.intersperse "\n---1---\n" $ map printSudoku testBs
return ()
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