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Created August 22, 2020 19:24
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#lang slideshow
(require slideshow/code)
(require data/maybe)
(require print-debug/print-dbg)
(require rebellion/streaming/reducer)
; 'X and 'O
(define empty-board (build-list 9 (lambda (x) (nothing))))
(define (rows board)
(take board 3)
(take (drop board 3) 3)
(drop board 6))
(define (count-player board player)
(lambda (x)
(equal? x (just player)))
(define lines-list (list
(list 0 1 2) (list 3 4 5) (list 6 7 8) ; horizontal lines
(list 0 3 6) (list 1 4 7) (list 2 5 8) ; vertical lines
(list 0 4 8) (list 2 4 6) ; diagonal lines
(define (test-line to-test) (match to-test
[(list 'X 'X 'X) 'X]
[(list 'O 'O 'O) 'O]
[(list a b c) nothing]))
(test-line (list 'X 'X 'O))
(define (extract-lines board)
(lambda (x)
(list-ref board x))
(define (get-empties board) (filter (lambda (x) (nothing? (list-ref board x))) (range 9)))
(define (count-empties board) (length (get-empties board)))
(define (print-space p) (match p
['X "X"]
['O "O"]
[nothing "_"]))
(define (print-row row ) (string-join (map print-space row)))
(define (print-board board) (string-join (map print-row (rows board)) "\n"))
(display (print-board empty-board))
(display "\n")
(display (extract-lines empty-board))
(define (winner-helper board)
(negate nothing?)
(map test-line (extract-lines board))
(define (check-winner board)
([winner (winner-helper board)]
(null? winner)
(car winner))
(define (get-current-turn board)
(= (modulo (count-empties board) 2) 0)
(get-current-turn empty-board)
(define (move board index)
(just? (list-ref board index))
(display "err")
(list-set board index (get-current-turn board)))
(define (score-helper board player)
(move board (choose-move board))
(define (score board player)
(let ([winner (check-winner board)])
(if (nothing? winner)
(if (= 0 (count-empties board))
(* .9 (score-helper board player)))
(if (eq? winner player) 1 -1)))
(define (choose-move board)
(get-empties board)
#:key (lambda (c) (score (move board c) (get-current-turn board)))
#:cache-keys? true)
(define sample-inputs (range 9))
(define sample-board (reduce-all (make-fold-reducer (lambda (cur-board item) (move cur-board item)) empty-board) sample-inputs))
(define sample-board2
(lambda (cur-board item)
(move cur-board item)
(range 3)
(display "\n")
(display (print-board sample-board))
(display "\n")
(extract-lines sample-board)
(check-winner sample-board)
(display (print-board sample-board2))
(display "\n")
(score sample-board2 'X)
(score sample-board2 'O)
(choose-move sample-board2)
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