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Jack Mott jackmott

  • Olo
  • Texas,USA
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jackmott / .md
Last active February 27, 2025 22:28
linq performance net10
Method Mean Error StdDev Gen0 Allocated
SumLoopShort 2.371 ns 0.0380 ns 0.0356 ns - -
SumLinqShort 2.849 ns 0.0505 ns 0.0473 ns - -
SumLoopLong 3,557.375 ns 29.2171 ns 24.3976 ns - -
SumLinqLong 599.220 ns 3.5048 ns 3.2784 ns - -
ComplexSumLoopLong 19,158.862 ns 374.6008 ns 367.9080 ns - -
ComplexSumLinqLong 27,317.165 ns 267.0329 ns 249.7828 ns - 48 B
ComplexSumLoopShort 2.676 ns 0.0363 ns 0.0283 ns - -
ComplexSumLinqShort 21.36 ns 0.2747 ns 0.2435 ns 0.0124 48 B
jackmott /
Last active September 9, 2019 01:57
chunk noise example
use minifb::{Key, Window, WindowOptions};
use simdnoise::NoiseBuilder;
use std::{thread, time};
const WIDTH: usize = 640;
const HEIGHT: usize = 640;
fn main() {
let mut buffer: Vec<u32> = vec![0; WIDTH * HEIGHT];
jackmott / duconverter
Created March 7, 2019 22:11
newtonsoft json DU converter
namespace AlphaFront
module JsonCustomConverters =
open Newtonsoft.Json
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
open System
open System.IO
type DuConverter() =
inherit JsonConverter()
jackmott / pqueue.cs
Created February 3, 2019 22:53
priority queue in c#
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace FB
public class PQueue<T>
private SortedDictionary<float, Stack<T>> sdict;
jackmott /
Created January 16, 2019 16:15

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jackmott on github.
  • I am jackmott ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is DE51 EA3B 8EFA E93E 229C C013 2C5A AAC6 CAD9 92F8

To claim this, I am signing this object:

jackmott / thread.cs
Created January 10, 2019 15:05
What could be thread unsafe about this?
// When this function runs in my program on multiple threads, memory corruption eventually happens
// When it doesn't run, or runs on only 1 thread, no problems
// I can't see what could be thread unsafe about it, am I missing something?
public static float SingleCellular2EdgeSimple(float x, float y, float jitter, int seed)
int xr = (x >= 0) ? (int)(x + 0.5f) : (int)(x - 0.5f);
int yr = (y >= 0) ? (int)(y + 0.5f) : (int)(y - 0.5f);
float[] distance = { 999999f, 999999f, 999999f, 999999f };
jackmott / ast.fs
Created December 17, 2018 20:45
AST Cleaned Up
open System
type ASTNode =
| Add of (ASTNode * ASTNode)
| Sub of (ASTNode * ASTNode)
| X
| Constant of int
let rec Evaluate node x =
match node with
jackmott / ConstantFold.fs
Created December 17, 2018 20:28
let rec ConstantFolding node =
match node with
| Add (l,r) -> match (ConstantFolding(l),ConstantFolding(r)) with
| (Constant v1,Constant v2) -> Constant(v1+v2)
| (optL,optR) -> Add(optL,optR)
| Sub(l,r) -> match (ConstantFolding(l),ConstantFolding(r)) with
| (Constant v1,Constant v2) -> Constant(v1-v2)
| (optL,optR) -> Sub(optL,optR)
| X -> X
| Constant v -> Constant(v)
jackmott / add.c
Last active November 30, 2018 15:26
// Got a minute to revisit this question this morning and cleaned it up a lot
// - Jack
#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
int ctoi(char c){
return (int)(c - '0');
char itoc(int i){
jackmott / wordwrap.cs
Last active November 11, 2018 20:44
word wrap for monogame
public static string Wrap(string s, int width, Func<string, int> widthMeasure)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(s.Length);
var text = s.AsSpan();
int start = 0;
int len = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) {
if (text[i] == ' ')