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Created October 14, 2021 23:24
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  • Save jackparmer/d274b15561fd0b670921be76704e5cf3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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#r "nuget:Dash.NET.Interactive,0.2.0-alpha.4"
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data"
open FSharp.Data
let [<Literal>] Csv = ""
type CsvData = CsvProvider<Csv>
let rows = CsvData.Load(Csv).Cache().Rows
let _ = Seq.head rows // skip the first line
// Learn more about Dash.NET at
open Dash.NET.Suave
open Dash.NET.Html
open Dash.NET.DCC
open Dash.NET
open Plotly.NET
// Use plotly charts
let scatterPlot low high =
let filtered = Seq.filter (fun (x:CsvData.Row) -> x.Petal_width > low && x.Petal_width < high) rows
let points = (fun (x:CsvData.Row) -> x.Sepal_width,x.Sepal_length) filtered
let petal_length = (fun (x:CsvData.Row) -> 6*int(x.Petal_length)) filtered
let markers = TraceObjects.Marker.init(MultiSize=petal_length)
// Map species to different colors
let colorMap = function | "setosa" -> "#4287f5" | "versicolor" -> "#cb23fa" | "virginica" -> "#23fabd"
let spec = (fun (x:CsvData.Row) -> x.Species) filtered
markers?color <- colorMap spec
|> Chart.withMarker markers
|> Chart.withTitle("Iris Dataset")
|> Chart.withLayout (Layout.init (PlotBGColor = Color.fromString "#000", PaperBGColor = Color.fromString "#000"))
|> Chart.withXAxisStyle("Sepal Width")
|> Chart.withYAxisStyle("Sepal Length")
|> GenericChart.toFigure
// Layout for our dash app
let myLayout =
Html.div [
Attr.children [
Graph.graph "my-graph-id" [];
Html.p [ Attr.children "Petal Width:" ]
RangeSlider.rangeSlider "range-slider" [
RangeSlider.Attr.min 0.
RangeSlider.Attr.max 2.5
RangeSlider.Attr.step 0.1
RangeSlider.Attr.marks (
[ 0.; 2.5 ]
|> (fun v -> v, v |> sprintf "%g" |> RangeSlider.Mark.Value)
|> Map.ofList
RangeSlider.Attr.value [ 0.5; 2. ]
RangeSlider.Attr.tooltip <|
RangeSlider.TooltipOptions.init (
alwaysVisible = true,
placement = RangeSlider.TooltipPlacement.Bottom
] [
StyleProperty ("background", "black")
StyleProperty ("color", "lightgrey")
StyleProperty ("font-family", "Arial")
StyleProperty ("padding", "0 50px 100px 50px")
let callback =
let outputTarget = "my-graph-id" @. CustomProperty "figure"
"range-slider" @. Value,
(fun (sliderRange: decimal []) ->
let low, high =
let r1 = sliderRange.[0]
let r2 = sliderRange.[1]
if r1 < r2 then r1, r2 else r2, r1
outputTarget => scatterPlot low high
PreventInitialCall = false
let dashApp =
|> DashApp.withLayout myLayout
|> DashApp.addCallback callback
// display the application inside the notebook
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