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Last active May 24, 2017 11:14
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A bit of poor man's stylometry using Etymological Wordnet
;; Some fun with the etymological wordnet database
;; <>
;; you'll need the database from that link and this table
;; <>
;; to eval the code in this gist within your own environment.
(defn fixup-name [name]
(-> name
(clojure.string/replace #": " "-")
(clojure.string/replace #" " "-")
(def etymology
(with-open [rdr ( "data/etymwn.tsv")]
(reduce (fn [m line] (let [[s p o] (clojure.string/split line #"\t")]
(cond (or (= p "rel:is_derived_from")
(= p "rel:etymology"))
(let [fs (fixup-name s)]
(assoc m fs (distinct (conj (get m fs []) (fixup-name o)))))
;; other direction
(= p "rel:etymological_origin_of")
(let [fo (fixup-name o)]
(assoc m fo (distinct (conj (get m fo []) (fixup-name s)))))
:else m)))
(line-seq rdr))))
(defn trace-etymology
([etym] (distinct (trace-etymology etym #{})))
([etym seen] (conj (mapcat #(trace-etymology % (conj seen %))
(remove seen (etymology etym))) etym)))
;; we can thus trace the etymology of a word:
(trace-etymology :eng-thou)
;; =>(:eng-thou :enm-thou :ang-þu :p_gem-thu :p_ine-tu)
(trace-etymology :eng-you)
;; (:eng-you :enm-you :ang-eow :p_gmw-iuwiz :p_ine-ju :ang-eow :p_gmw-iuwiz :p_ine-ju)
(trace-etymology :deu-mandel)
;; =>(:deu-mandel :goh-mandala :lat-amygdala :lat-amygdalum :grc-ἀμύγδαλον :grc-ἀμυγδάλη :grc-ἀμυγδάλη)
;; how about some style analysis?
(defn tokenize [lang phrase]
(-> phrase
(clojure.string/split #"[^\w]+")
(#(mapv (fn [w] (keyword (str lang "-" w))) %))))
(defn word-origin-frequencies [lang text]
(mapcat (comp (partial map #(subs (str %) 1 (.indexOf (str %) "-")))
(partial remove #(re-find #"^:eng-|^:p_" (str %)))
(tokenize lang text))))
(defn report-percentages [rs]
(let [tot (apply + (vals rs))]
(sort-by second > (map #(vector (iso-639-b (first %)) (float (* 100 (/ (second %) tot )))) rs))))
;; Chuchill does blood and guts for the common man
(word-origin-frequencies "eng" "We shall go on to the end, we shall
fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall
fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we
shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on
the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in
the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall
never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe,
this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then
our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet,
would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New
World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and
the liberation of the old."))
;; =>
(["English, Old (ca.450-1100)" 42.92453]
["English, Middle (1100-1500)" 35.377357]
["Latin" 9.905661]
["French, Old (842-ca.1400)" 4.245283]
["Norse, Old" 2.8301888]
["French" 1.4150944]
["Anglo-Norman" 1.4150944]
["Italian" 0.9433962]
["Middle Low German" 0.4716981]
["Greek, Ancient (to 1453)" 0.4716981])
;; Chuchill talking to his peers
(word-origin-frequencies "eng" "A new Government has come into being
under a Prime Minster who, like his predecessor whose loss we all
profoundly deplore, and whose many virtues all parties have joined to
celebrate - a new Prime Minister has come into power, tied to
Scotland by strong and intimate bonds. Give him a fair chance. [Hear,
hear.] Give the Government which he has brought into being the
opportunity of handling the great machinery of State. Be assured
that, if you do, they will employ it for the greatest good of the
greatest number. I am well satisfied at what has taken place in the
last four or five days since I have been in Dundee. I see a great
concentration of forces throughout the constituency. I see the
opportunity of retrieving, and more than retrieving, the injury which
has been done to the cause of progress and reform by elections in
other parts of our land."))
;; =>
(["English, Middle (1100-1500)" 36.39576]
["English, Old (ca.450-1100)" 29.681978]
["Latin" 20.848057]
["French, Old (842-ca.1400)" 5.3003535]
["French" 1.7667844]
["Anglo-Norman" 1.7667844]
["Italian" 1.4134276]
["Norse, Old" 1.0600706]
["French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)" 0.7067138]
["Greek, Ancient (to 1453)" 0.7067138]
["Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic" 0.3533569])
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