All commands are executed as root because the Docker image is not build with a common Linux user, but the only command that would need root permission is chmod over '/opt' directory because the root user is its owner. The other commands may be run without sudo.
1. Login on using your account
2. Go to pandas project page:
3. Click on Fork button in the upper right side of Pandas project page
1. Create directory to where the pandas repository will be cloned to in the host machine
`$ mkdir pandas-jackson`
2. Build Docker image
`# docker build -t pandas_dev_i --build-arg yourname=jackson .`
3. Create docker container with unamed docker volume and binds the pandas project host directory to pandas container directory/volume
`# docker run --name pandas_dev_c -v "$(pwd)/pandas-jackson":/pandas-jackson -i -t pandas_dev_i /bin/bash`
1. Clone Pandas development repository
`# git clone [email protected]:jacksonjos/pandas.git .`
2. Connects your repository to the upstream (main project) pandas repository.
`# git remote add upstream`
3. Configure your e-mail and name to be identified in GitHub
`$ git config --global user.mail "[email protected]"`
`$ git config --global "Jackson Souza"`
1. To Make possible to use 'conda activate' command type the following
<!-- # rm /etc/profile.d/ && ln -s /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/ -->
`# chmod +x /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/`
`# echo ". /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/" >> ~/.bashrc`
<!-- `# echo "conda activate" >> ~/.bashrc` -->
2. Install IPython interpretor and debugger to help debugging pandas-dev errors
`# conda install ipython`
3. Create and activate the build environment
`# conda env create -f ci/environment-dev.yaml && source activate pandas-dev`
4. Build and install pandas
`# python build_ext --inplace -j 4 && python -m pip install -e .`
5. Install the rest of the optional dependencies
`# conda install -c defaults -c conda-forge --file=ci/requirements-optional-conda.txt`
1. To activate pandas-dev:
`# conda activate pandas-dev`
2. To deactivate pandas-dev:
`# conda deactivate`
3. To exit the container type:
`# exit`
4. To stop this container type:
`# docker stop pandas_dev_c`
5. To start this container type:
`# docker start pandas_dev_c`
6. To enter the container type:
`# docker exec -ti pandas_dev_c /bin/bash`
1. Download changes made in the main/upstream repository:
`# git fetch upstream`
2. Checkout repository to local master branch
`# git checkout master`
3. Merge downloaded changes at the local master branch
`# git merge upstream/master`
1. Commit the changes you have made
2. Rebase your commit using:
`git rebase -i HEAD~#`
Be careful when rebasing to don't screw up your work
3. Update the git repository as said in the topic above
4. Checkout to the branch you are contributing to
E.g: `git checkout shiny-new-feature`
5. Rebase your branch to the master branch:
`git rebase -i master`
6. Push your changes
`git push origin shiny-new-feature -f`