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Created February 29, 2020 07:16
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Native Input Utility
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
namespace JFun.Gameplay.CreateWorld.UI
public class CWCustomInputField : InputField, ICancelHandler
// Action others can subsribe
// argument 2 : true: enter key, false: cancel key
public event System.Action<string, bool> OnCustomEndEdit = null;
public Button _submitButton;
//private System.Collections.Generic.List<RaycastResult> _list = new System.Collections.Generic.List<RaycastResult>();
//private GraphicRaycaster _caster = null;
private bool _isbtnclicked = false;
//public override void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData)
// base.OnPointerClick(eventData);
// if (eventData.clickCount > 2)
// {
// SelectAll();
// }
// Need to presss 'enter' twice in order to receive this event. NOT USING IT!
//public override void OnSubmit(BaseEventData eventData)
// base.OnSubmit(eventData);
public override void OnDeselect(BaseEventData eventData)
if (OnCustomEndEdit != null)
OnCustomEndEdit(this.text, _isbtnclicked);
// Need to presss 'esc' twice in order to receive this event. NOT USING IT!
public void OnCancel(BaseEventData eventData)
protected override void Awake()
private void Update()
if (!_submitButton)
_submitButton = GetComponentInChildren<Button>(true);
//if (!_caster)
// _caster = GetComponentInParent<GraphicRaycaster>();
protected override void OnEnable()
// This event happens before Unity calls the Update() funcion
public void OnEndEdit(string value)
if (OnCustomEndEdit == null)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.KeypadEnter) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return))
OnCustomEndEdit(this.text, true);
//Debug.Log("Enter Key: " + this.text);
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
OnCustomEndEdit(this.text, false);
//Debug.Log("Esc Key");
if (isFocused)
OnCustomEndEdit(this.text, _isbtnclicked);
OnCustomEndEdit(this.text, !wasCanceled);
private void CheckClick()
_isbtnclicked = false;
//if (_submitButton && _caster)
// PointerEventData pointData = new PointerEventData(EventSystem.current);
// pointData.pressPosition = Input.mousePosition;
// pointData.position = Input.mousePosition;
// _list.Clear();
// _caster.Raycast(pointData, _list);
// if (_list.Exists(result => result.gameObject.Equals(_submitButton.gameObject)))
// {
// _isbtnclicked = true;
// //SendOnSubmit();
// }
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace JFun.Framework
public static class DelayDoHelper
private const long TicksPerSecond = TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond * 1000;
private static Dictionary<float, WaitForSeconds> _waitCache = new Dictionary<float, WaitForSeconds>();
public static WaitForSeconds GetWaitForSeconds(float delaySec)
WaitForSeconds waitCache;
if (!_waitCache.TryGetValue(delaySec, out waitCache))
waitCache = new WaitForSeconds(delaySec);
_waitCache.Add(delaySec, waitCache);
return waitCache;
public static Coroutine DelayDoAction(Action action, IEnumerator retFunc)
if (Singleton.Helper)
return Singleton.Helper.StartCoroutine(IDelayDoAction(action, retFunc));
return null;
public static Coroutine DelayDoAction(Action action, float delaySec)
if (Singleton.Helper)
return Singleton.Helper.StartCoroutine(IDelayDoAction(action, delaySec));
return null;
public static Coroutine DelayDoAction(Action action, float delaySec, float intervalSec)
if (Singleton.Helper)
return Singleton.Helper.StartCoroutine(IDelayDoAction(action, delaySec, intervalSec));
return null;
public static Coroutine DelayDoAction(Action action)
if (Singleton.Helper)
return Singleton.Helper.StartCoroutine(IDelayDoAction(action, null));
return null;
public static void StopDelayDo(Coroutine coroutine)
if (Singleton.Helper)
public static IEnumerator IDelayDoAction(Action action, int delayMilliSec)
yield return IDelayDoAction(action, (float)delayMilliSec / 1000.0f);
public static IEnumerator IDelayDoAction(Action action, float delaySec)
yield return GetWaitForSeconds(delaySec);
yield return IDelayDoAction(action, null);
public static IEnumerator IDelayDoAction(Action action, float delaySec, float intervalSec)
long ticks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
long nextTick = DateTime.Now.Ticks + (long)(delaySec * TicksPerSecond);
long period = (long)(intervalSec * TicksPerSecond);
yield return GetWaitForSeconds(delaySec);
while (true)
yield return IDelayDoAction(action, null);
nextTick += period;
var interval = nextTick - DateTime.Now.Ticks;
if (interval > 0)
yield return GetWaitForSeconds(interval / (float)TicksPerSecond);
public static IEnumerator IDelayDoAction(Action action, IEnumerator retFunc)
yield return retFunc;
if (action != null)
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